Norsk Pelagic ships year 2018

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List number 2. First blue whiting in Norway has now arrived.  Akeröy came with 1900 tons in one trip. Liafjord 1000 tons of herring in one trip. Havdrön 725 tons of herring in one trip. Vendla 920 tons of herring in one trip. Trönderhav 225 tons in one trip. Öksnesværing 200 tons in one trip. Akeröy ...

Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.1

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List number 1. Well, it took some time to make this happen, but here it is. This list of the pelagic ships in Norway is a lot change since in the year 2017.   The list of the year 2017 was all with the big ships.  but here are all the boats that fish, herring,  capelin,  blue whiting and more. . and ...

Norsk pelagic ship

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List number 20. Realy few ships in Norway that come with fish on this list.  total just 11723 tons . Christina E came with most 2207 tons of herring in 4 trips,. Manon 783 tons of herring. Vikingbank 926 tons. Norderveg 1492 tons. Vestviking 846 tons. Röttingöy 1162 tons. Havskjer 1319 tons. Indrig ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List number 19. As in Iceland, there is little to be in Norway.  total fishing on this list was about 31.000 tons. Most of the fishing from the ships that are pretty low on this list. At the top , Österbris came with 817 tons of ward. Gerda Marie 613 tonnes. Rogne 977 tonnes. Selvag  Senior 682 ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List number 18. Many ship in Norway fishing herring.   and total on this list was 44.000 tons.   . Many ships came with more that 2000 tons . in the top Akeröy was with 1811 tons. Österbris 1402 tons. M.Ytterstad was with 2490 tons. Kings Bay 2599 tons. Fiskeskjer 2100 tons. Smaragd 2294 tons. ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List  number 17. In Total 44.000 tons.  came on this list from the ships.  all this was herring,. Gera Marie was with the most ore 2040 tonn . Birkeland 1650 tons. M.ytterstad 1665 tons. Selvag Senipr 1697 tns. Trönderbas 1734 tons. Kings Bay  1793 tons. SMaragd 1722 tns. In Total this year the ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List number 15. A lot of ships come with fish now on this list.  most of it was herring.  . Akeröy with 1692 tonns . Österbrus 1572 tonn. Birkeland 1837 tonn. Talbor 2063 tonn,     There where some ships that came with more than 2000 tonns on this list. Storeknut 1872 tonn. Rogne 2048 tonn. Hargun ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List number 14. Total of 59000 tonns came from the norsk ships on this list.  most of them where fishing mackerel. now 2 ships are over 30000 tonns,. Hardhaus was with most fish on this list. total of 2742 tonns,. Smaragd came number 2 with 2482 tonn,. Kingsbay 2353 tonn,. Liafjord  2140 tonn,. ...

Norsk Pelagic ships year 2017

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List numer 19. Now most all ships in Norway are fishing mackerel and total of landings of this list was 76000 tonns. It is realy much surprice that the ship that was the higest one on this list was a ship that is realy low on the list.  . Svanauk Elise  that is in seat number 56.  was with 2605 ...

Norsk Pelagic ships year 2017

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List number 12. Very little about being in Norway now. The catch of the boats in this list was only 5,000 tonnes. And almost all of this 5000 tonns was herring. Gerda Marie is 851 tons. Talbor 1047 tonnes and he was the most successful in this list. Viking bank 265 tons. Haugagut 519 tons. Storeknot ...