Iceland, 6. Boats. 13.000 tons of fish

In Iceland in the year 2024, there where total of 21. boats that are all up to 15 meters long, ore max 14,99. all of these boats are up to 30 tonsin sice, and these 21 boat where all fishing . with autoline. six of these boats did caught over 2000 tons each, and all these 6 boats have 2 crew on each ...
Pelagic ship in The Faroe Islands and Iceland. Final list 2024

List number 11. Final list in 2024, for the catches of pelagic vessels in 2024. with all the fishing datas in place, and then it is possible to settle the year 2024. 1.1 million tons. the total catch of the vessels was 1,128,593 tons, or just over 1.1 million tons. The two Greenlandic ships that ...
New boat to Norway. Tiina E F-32-LB
Taskekrabs (Brown crab) in Norway 2024. list number 5

List number 5. from 1-1-2024to 9-3-2024. three months since i put on new list of the boats in Norway that are fishing Taskekrab, ( Brown Crab). but in the summer the fishing in Norway was good on this crabs. and three boats have caughtover 70 tons on this list. and on the top is Frida M-1-ND. Frida ...
Pelagic ships.,Iceland, and The Faroe Islands- 2024.List nr.7

List number 7. from 1-1-2024 to 8-27-208. now all the Icelandic and Faroese ships are on mackerel fishing. A Norwegian who was at the top of the list number 6. did not land any catches on this list, but that does not change, because the ship is still on the top. Borgarinn had 769 tons in 1 most of ...
Ship Longdawn sail over 10 meters long boat in Iceland

Sandgerði in Iceland is one of the largest fishing harbors in the Iceland. ,and many small boats that do handline fishing from Sandgerði. Apart from Sandgerði, there is also a shipping route for cargo ships that sail to and from Reykjavík and the aluminium smelter in Straumsvík. on the morning of ...
Handlines boats in Iceland and Norway

In Iceland now there are about 600 boats fishing with handlines, . But how are these boats fishing compare to the handlines boats in Norway. yes quite interesting to look at it,. because now in Norway, two handlines have caught over 60 tons since New Year's and also in Iceland. and as you can see ...
Skolmen N-25-VV with 586 tons in march

In Norway there are many boats that are fishing with seine, but also they are fishing . capelin and herring. Now in March one of these boats did fish pretty good . Skolmen N-25-VV went in total of 16 trips and did caught in total 587 tons. that is about 36,7 tons in a trip. of this there was 164 ...
Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in

List number 3. from 1-1-2024 to 31-3-2024. Here on this list are many boats fishing with seine. and three boats have caught over 400 tons. Ke-To was with 263 ton sin 10 trips. Andopsværing 220 tons in 7 triops. Arvikssand 244 ton sin 14 trips and he is fishing with line. Bakke JR 164 ton in 11. and ...
New Klævtind N-100-A, has started fishing in Norway

Last hole year we can say that a lot of things has been going on for Glenn Thomas Madsen captein and the owner of the. boat Klævtind in Norway. LAst year ore at 8.january 2023, he was fishing out side Norway Klævtind I N-14-A. . That boat had Glenn own since 2015. . The boat hit a reef and got a ...
New boat to Norway, Varde VL-94-AV

The shipping company Tøkje Båt AS in Austevoll in Norway recently received a new Cleopatra 36 boat from the Trefjum shipyard in Hafnarfjörður. Ole Tøkje is in charge of the production. Ole will also be the captain of the boat. . The new boat is called Varde. The boat is 10.99 meters long and weighs ...
Vigur SF from Iceland in huge fishing, over40 tons

Now in February in Iceland. This month. started badly because of bad weather. but after the weather got down, the boats could go out fishing. and they have been fishing huge. 30 tons autoline boat name Vigur SF from Hornafjörður in the Eastfjords. they went out with 18000 hooks. and put the line ...
2 crewmembers missing after Kambur sank

Fortunately, there have been very few sea accidents in Iceland and also in the Faroe Islands for at least 10 years or so. but sadly today 6.february a autoline boat. Kampur from the Faroe Islands was fishing south of Akrabergi in the Faroe Islands. when a big sea came on the boats and kambur went ...
Freezer trawlers in Iceland 2023, 262 million euros value

The year 2023, was good for the freezer trawlers in Iceland. they are not many, are only 12. but these 12 trawlers did caught total of 88.000 tons. Total value of these 88.000 tons. was 262 million euros. ore 2998 million norsk kronas. two trawlers did caught over 10.000 tons each. Vigri RE that was ...
Boats from 9 to 9,99 meters in Norway 2023. list number 11
Geir M-123-A caught over 4000 tons

This year in Norway have well over 200 boats been fishing with line. the biggest boats are all fishing with autoline, and of them six boats have caught over 3000 tons. and this is just what they have caught using autoline. some boats have also been fishing with . gilnet and seine. Geir M-123-A is ...
New Svanaug Elise TR-119-F

Yesterday here on, was a news about Svanaug Elise that had been sold. You can read that . news HERE. But the owner of Svanaug Elise are not quit, because they bought Ligrunn H-2-F. and now Ligrunn has the name Svanaug Elise. The new Svanaug Elise is similar size as the old boat, but ...
Svanaug Elise TR-19-F sold to Chile

In Norway are many pelagic ship that are over 60 meters long. One of these ships is pelagic ship Svanaug Elise TR-19-F. This ship was build in 2001 and has been in Norway since then. now Svanaug Elise has been sold to Chile and the new owner have taken over the boat. and did sail to Holland with the ...
Olavjenta new boat to Norway

New Cleopatra 36 to Båtsfjord in Norway. . The shipping company 2Fisk AS in Båtsfjord, Norway recently received a new Cleopatra 36 boat from Bátasmiðin Trefjum in Hafnarfjörður. The company is run by father and son Tor Øyvind and Øyvind Bolle. Tor Øyvind will be the captain of the boat. . The new ...
Sólberg ÓF from Iceland has caught over 10.000 this year

Freezer trawlers in Iceland in the year 2023 have been fishing good this year. And now have 2 trawlers caught over 8000 tons of the freezer trawlers in ICeland. in total they have caught now around 70.000 tons. and on the top is the trawler Sólberg ÓF . Sólberg ÓF has now caught over 10.000 tons ...
Simen Ohr and his boat Solveig M-15-GS
Isafold sold to Norway,Now Ola Ryggefjord

In Denmark there have been some big pelagic ship. and some of them have been sold outside, for newer ships. like Gitte Henning was sold to The Faroe Island and has the name Götunes. Ruth from Denmark was sold to Norway and has the name Slaateröy, and is now number 1 in Norway. of the pelagic ships ...
Barent Gadus TF-28-TN- New boat to Piera Gaup in Norway

Shipowner Piera Gaup recently received a new Cleopatra 36 boat from Bátasmiðin Trefjum in Hafnarfjörður. Piera himself becomes the captain of the boat. The new boat is called Barent Gadus. The boat is 10.99 meters long and weighs 11 gross tons. The new boat replaces the older Cleopatra 36 boat that ...
Solrun B new boat in Norway, instead of Jakob

Jón Páll Jakobsson, who has been fishing with the boat Jakob in Norway for the past few years, ran into it this winter. that there was a big fire in the boat while he was fishing. and the boat was completely destroyed. there was a rescue, but three people were on the boat when it burned. this was a ...
Ronja SH in Iceland had big fire. Sailor got rescued
Big fire on the boat Þristur ÍS in Sandgerði in Iceland

in the morning of 30.april 2023 it came a big fire on the boats Þristur ÍS that was in Sandgerði in Iceland. Þristur ÍS var að seine boat and was 23 meters long and was build in the year 1979 in Stykkishólmur in ICeland. the boat had new fishing gear to go seine fishing, and the big black smoke is ...
Big fire in Grímsnes GK in Iceland, one man died

The worst thing that can happen in a boat is when a fire breaks out in a boat. last night there was a big fire in a gilnet boats that was in Njarðvík in Iceland., Grímsnes GK 555 . or Grímsi as captain Sigvaldi on the boat calls him,. The fire brigade from Suðurnesja fire protection arrived at the ...
Maya TF-94-NK. New boat to Norway
Seir M-104-H caught of illegal fishing in Iceland.

There is not much that foreign fishing vessels are involved in illegal fishing here in Iceland. this was very common at the time when the territorial waters around Iceland were extended to 12 miles, 50 miles and 200 miles. however, this happened now in the middle of April 2023 that the supervisors ...
New Klævtind instead for Klævtind I . Glenn now with Stig Inge

Glenn Thomas Madsen has been the owner and captain on a boat called Klævtind I, and that boat caught for example around 1100 tons of fish in 2022,. early this year the boat hit a reef and sank just outside Andenes in Northern Norway. when the boat was fishing with gilnet. Glenn Tomas Madsen, the ...
New Líðhamar to The Faroe Islands. Boat bought from Iceland.

The first boat. in the Faroe Islands there are several boats that have been bought from Iceland, including some smaller boats such as Cleopatra boats. Now old Særif SH has been sold to The Faroe Islands. Særif SH is 14,9 meters long boat and about 30 tons and fish with autoline. the buyer is P/F ...
Two new boats to Norway, Twin boats. Ørsvåg II and Ørsvåg III

The brothers Tom-Kenneth and Kurth-Anders Slettvoll shipowners from Kabelvåg in Lofoten recently received two new Cleopatra 33 boats from Bátasmiðin Trefjum in Hafnarfjörður in Iceland. These two boats are twin boats, and the brothers will be captains on the boats. . The new boats are called Ørsvåg ...
Christina S. Sold to Iceland. New ship is coming

A little while ago, Samherji bought a new pelagic ship from Scotland, which was built there since 2008, and the ship was called. Christina S. and was named Margrét EA 710. The new ship is quite powerful, was built in 2008 in Norway and is 72 meters long and 14.5 meters wide. the ship has a pretty ...
Boats from 10 to 10.99 m in Norway.2023,nr.3

List number 3. from 1-1-2023 to 3-10-2023. good fishing on this list and many boats are fishing with gilnet. 7 boats have now caught over 100 tons. Ludvik was with 53,3 ton sin 6 trips. Nordflu 43,7 tons in 8 trips and jumps up 1 seat. VArbuen 32,9 ton sin 8. Pilar 39,8 tonsin 16 and jumpst up 17 ...
Big fire on Jakob from Norway

One of the worst things that sailors can experience is when a fire breaks out on board a boat or trawler that is out at sea. Jón Páll Jakobsson, who owns the liner Jakob in Norway, got into a pretty bad situation few days ago. They were at sea and were on their way to Varanger Fjord to lay a line, ...
Ilivileq with full ship,value over 70 million Norsk krona,

in 2020 there came a brand new freezer trawler to Greenland, . ship, and this ship name is Ilivileq. the year 2022, the ship did came with 11360 tons, that where landed in Reykjavík in Iceland, but 2000 tons of this was. mackerel and herring, that was landed in Eskifjörður in the east of Iceland, ...
8800 tons of iceland Capelin from Norsk ships

It can be said that the capelin season in 2023 has started, but not in the sense that the Icelandic ships have arrived to hunt. instead, Greenlandic and Norwegian ships have been fishing. nevertheless, the Norwegian ships have caught a total of almost 8800 tons. and 17 ships have started fishing ...
Freezer Trawlers in Iceland year 2022, 272 million Euros value

The year 2022, was good for the freezer trawlers in Iceland. they did caught total of 91326 tons, and where 11 trawlers. but Samherji started late in the year 2022, to have freezer trawler Snæfell EA , and he started fishing . in august 2022, . The newest freezer trawler in Iceland, Baldvin Njálsson ...