the highest in the North Atlantic. Víkingur AK and Finnur Fríði

It has now become clear that Finnur Fríð from the Faroe Islands was the most highest pelagic vessel in the North Atlantic, at least compared to the catches from Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Norway.

Below you can see the difference between the two vessels.

Finnur FríðiVíkingur AK
Engine10877 HK6120 hk
Sice in BT27793671

Next after him came Víkingur AK from Iceland and together both these vessels exceeded 60,000 tonnes in 2018. and in total fish almost 122.000 tons

Finnur Fríð had nearly 62 thousand tons and Víkingur AK had just over 60 thousand tons.

If the catch is examined further then he is like that

Víkingur AK had 15597 tonnes of capelin, while Finnur Fríður had 3395 tonnes of capelin, Víkingur AK the winner here

 Víkingur AK had over 8,000 tons of herring, but Finnur Fríð had about 14 thousand tons of herring, Finnur Fríð the winner here

 Víkingur AK had almost 9500 tonnes of mackerel, while Fínnur Fríð 8500 tonnes of mackerel.  Víkingur AK the winner here

 blue whiting
 Víkingur AK had just over 27 thousand tonnes of blue whiting, while Finnur Fríð had nearly 36 thousand tonnes of blue whiting. Finnur Fríði the winner here

and finally,

 Five highest
The five highest vessels in Iceland had a total of 284 thousand tonnes of catch,

The five highest vessels in the Faroe Islands had a catch of 277 thousand tonnes

 10 highest
while the 10 highest vessels in Iceland had catches of 476 thousand tonnes

The 10 highest vessels in the Faroe Islands had a catch of 482 thousand tonnes

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Víkingur AK pic from Venus NS

Finnur Fríði Pic Karl Rasmussen