10.000 tons for autoline boat Sandfell SU
In Iceland there are about 50 boats that are up to 30 tons in size that are fishing with auto line.
One of the boats that is fishing with auto line is Sandfell SU that was build in the year 2014.
The boat is 14,8 meters long and 29,6 tons in size.
in the year 2016 the boat was sold and got the name Sandfell SU 75.
and since February 2016 and till 17.juni.2020 the boat has fish now over 10.000 tons of fish,
On the boat are 2 crews and each crew is out on the boat for 2 weeks and then the next crew takes over and is for 2 weeks and so on
and that mean that the boat never stops.
Sandfell SU has been fishing around 2200 to 2500 tons per year and the trips are well over 200 trips per year

Sandfell SU pic Gísli Reynisson

The crew of Sandfell SU with cake from Loðnuvinnslan