153.000 tons from 3 ships
Now when the year 2017 is over then AFlafrettir look at the pelagic ships in Iceland, Norway and the Faeroe Islands.
Here down below is a list of the ships and they are compared
In Iceland Venus NS was the highest one with 55604 tons
In The Faroe Islands , Finnur Fridi was the highest one with 60300 tons
and in Norway Akeröy was the highest one with almost 37000 tons
This in Total is 153.000 tons
But take a look at this table here down below
Name | Finnur Fríði XPXP | Venus NS 150 | Akeröy N-200-DA |
length | 76,5 | 80,1 | 70 |
wide | 15 | 17 | 15 |
size in tons | 2779 | 3671 | 2302 |
year of build | 2003 | 2015 | 2003 |
Engine Hp | 10800 | 6120 | 6691 |
Fishing total | 60300 | 55604 | 37000 |
Capelin | 14311 | 1019 | |
Blue Whiting | 34234 | 20735 | 26490 |
Herring | 11092 | 8816 | 5478 |
Mackerel | 10828 | 11723 | 2346 |

Finnur Frídi Pic Karl Rasmussen

Akeröy Pic Roger Solem

Venus NS Pic Haukur Sigtryggur Valdimarsson