2 Pelagic ship in Iceland with 85600 tons.
Now in Iceland the year 2020 is almost over for the pelagic ship in Iceland.
Few of them are fishing now blue whiting, but they are fishing it in the ocean around
The Faroe Islands.
Now have 2 pelagic ships in Iceland fish total of 85600 tons,
Beitir NK has with 41700 tons in 29 trips, ore 1438 tons in a trip,
of that is 12256 tons of herring
10374 tons of mackerel and 19000 tons of blue whiting,
Börkur NK has fish the most in Iceland ore about 44.000 tons in 35 trips, that is about 1257 tons in a trip
Of that is 12100 tons of herring,
11084 tons of mackerel
and 20640 tons of blue whiting

Börkur NK pic Smári Geirsson

Beitir NK Pic Guðmundur St Valdimarsson
for support.
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537