3 ships from Norway with total of 230.000 tons
Now Aflafrettir.com have all the fishing datas for all the boats in Norway for the year 2019,
and will later tell you how much total fishing was in Norway in the year 2019,
but on the top of the list
are 3 boats that never came to Norway, but there are Norsk company that owns the boats,
this is Antarctic Sea N-75-VV
Saga Sea N-301-VV
and Antarctic Endurance N-130-VV
all this ships where fishing krill close to the south pole
and that is in a bout 15.000 km distance from Norway
all these ships came to Uruguay to land the fish
But what are they fishing
they are fishing a tiny species that name is Krill
Krill are small crustaceans and are found in all the world´s oceans. They are relay small up to 2,4 inches
Most of the kriss is used for aquaculture and aquarion feed. also as a bait for sport fishing.
over 200.000 tons,
These 3 ships fish total of 237.000 tons,
Antarctic Sea was the highest one with over 100.000 tons. total of 105,500 tons,
Antarctic Sea is a huge ship over 130 meters longs
Saga Sea was with 91,000 tons, and Saga SEa is about 91 meters long
and Antarctic Enrurance was with 40.000 tons and the ship is about 130 meters long
And that ship is new. was build in the late 2018, and started to fish in 2019