354.000 tons from Pelagic ship in Norway.
Pelagic ship in Norway have been fishing this year herring, blue whiting, mackerel and also few others species.
Now the pelagic ship have landed total of 354.000 tons of Blue whiting.
Number 1 is H.Ostervold with 11905 tons
Number 2 is Akeröy with 11514 tons,
Number 3 is Österbris with 11026 tons.
Number 4 is Ligrunn with 10533 tons.
Number 5 is Havskjer 9549 tons
Number 6 is Talbor with 8577 tons.
Number 7 is Birkeland with 8540 tons
Number 8 is Smaragd with 7725 tons
Number 9 is Havstál with 7685 tons,
And number 10 is Strand Senior with 7674 tons.
As can been seen only 4 ships in Norway have fish over 10.000 tons per ship of the blue whiting. but also these are the
ship that have the most qouta

H.Ostervold Pic from Facebook page H.ostervold