4200 tonns in 2 weeks from 3 boats
It is often fun to go through the Norwegian fishery. You will always find some goodies,
And here's one thing that's pretty special,
There is not one boat covered by it, but three,
All these boats are not able to fish yet they are reaching Tare and land him not in a port, but in a ship called Bona Safir. Bona Safir is a ship that is about 80 meters long and measures 2168 tons, constructed in 1992.
Now in the last two weeks, these three boats have landed there in Bona Safir a total of 4200 tonnes,
These three boats are Sjöhesten M-8011-F, which has 188.5 tonnes in the 5 trips,
Tarehav, which has landed 2040 tonnes in the 20 trips, of which the boat landed around 280 tonnes on August 18 when Tarehav came 3 times to with full load
Tarebas is the third boat and has landed 1959 tonnes in 17 lanes and 140 tonnes in one landing,
These boats are not big. 15 meters long and about 7 meters wide.,
Still a lot of power or more at this. 4200 tonnes in 2 weeks

Tarebas Pic Leif Erik Hansen

Tarehav Pic Magnar Lyngstad

Bona Safir Pic Magnar Lyngstad