46 Norsk pelagic fishing in Iceland now
Now in Iceland there are many pelagic ships from Norway what are fishing capelin.
Aflafrettir counted that now there where 46 pelagic ships from Norway in ICeland
Total of sailors on these ships is about 500 men.
All of the ships have landed some capelin in Iceland.
but the biggest landing was from Kings Bay that came with 1141 tons in one trip
Vendla has come twice with 850 tons

Kings BAy Pic Ivar Wangen

Vendla Pic Svein W Pettersen
Here down is a list of the Norsk Pelagic ships that are now fishing in Iceland
1 | Akeröy |
2 | Birkeland |
3 | Brennholm |
4 | Elisabeth |
5 | Fiskebas |
6 | Fiskeskjer |
7 | Fonnes |
8 | Fransten Junior |
9 | Gambler |
10 | Gerda Marie |
11 | Gunnar Langva |
12 | Hardhaus |
13 | Hargun |
14 | Haugagut |
15 | Havglans |
16 | Havskjer |
17 | Havsnurp |
18 | Havstál |
19 | Heröyhav |
20 | Ingrid Majala |
21 | Kings Bay |
22 | Knester |
23 | Krossfjord |
24 | Leinebjorn |
25 | Liafjord |
26 | Ligrunn |
27 | M Ytterstad |
28 | Magnarson |
29 | Malene S |
30 | Norderveg |
31 | Roaldsen |
32 | Rogne |
33 | Selvag Senior |
34 | Sjöbris |
35 | Slaateröy |
36 | Storeknut |
37 | Strand Senior |
38 | Straumberg |
39 | Svanaug Elise |
40 | Svensgam |
41 | Sæbjörn |
42 | Talbor |
43 | Trönderbas |
44 | Vea |
45 | Vendla |
46 | Vestviking |