60 years old boat Ulf-Daniel F-106-NK
Lets take a look on a old boat that is fishing now in Norway
This is Ulf-Daniel F-106-NK.
This boat is small. was built 1960 and and is now 60 years old boat and this boat was buil
by a school in Bodo in Norway
The boat is 9,8 meters long and 3,2 meters wide.
Has 127 bhp perkins engine, and can sail up to 7 kn
This year 2020 the boat has mostly been fishing with gilnet and line,
on line ore handline the boat fish 8 tons in 15 trips
of gilnet the boat has fish 24,3 tons in 17 trips.
now the last days the boat has been fishing atlantic halibut and has landed 775 kilos in 4 trips,
atlantic halibut is kveite in norsk ore lúða in icelandic

Pic Odd gunnar Pettersen

Pic Havard Askeland