Andungen F-62-BD
Many boats are in Norway.
here on Aflafrettir we have often seen the big boats. like the trawlers ore the Pelagic ships.
but there are many smaller boats that are fishing from 'Norway.
One of them is this boat.
The boat name is Andunge F-62-BD and Vevik Trond Vilhelm is the onwer of the boat.
This boat is not big. 9,5 meters long and 3,2 meter wide.
boats was build in the year 1975 and has a engine of 108 hk that was put in the boat in the year 1988.
Now in desember Andungen has fish total of 4,1 tons in 6 trips, and the boat is fishing with stamplines.
this small boat has good quita because he has 257 tons of pollack
Now this year Andungen has only fish around 12 tons in total this year

Andungen Pic Svein W Pettersen