Arnöytind number 1. Einarson number 2
Now the year 2020 is almost over, and when this is written there is just about 46 hours to the year 2021.
Aflafrettir will look in how fishing was doing in Norway, The Faroe Islands and Iceland
But in Norway we can say that the pelagic fishing is over, for the boats that there fishing
like herring, mackerel, blue whiting and more
The year 2020 of that fishing started pretty early.
Boat number 1 and boat number 2 in the year 2020.
because on the 2.january 2020 where 6 boats what came with herring
Arnöytind T-8-S was the first boat in Norway to come with herring, and he came early,.
The boat went out fishing on the day of 1.january 2020 and came 2.january at 04:45AM with 250 tons of
herring in one trip.
But the boat number 2 Einarson T-16-LK he came about 10 hours later on the same day with 200 tons of herring,
These 2 boats where fishing all year.
Arnöytind did fish total of 6135 tons in 56 trips, that is about 109 tons in a trip
of that was 4233 tons of pelagic fishing in 17 trips that is about 249 tons in a trip
of that was 3642 tons of herring and 576 tons of mackerel
the boat also did fish with seine and did fish 1902 tons in 39 trips, that is 48 tons per trip
769 tons of cod and 715 tons of haddock

Arnöytind Pic Frode Adolfsen
Einarson T-16-LK did fish total of 3258 tons in 44 trips, that is 74 tons in a trip
2491 tons of that was with pelagic in 17 trips, and that is 146 tons in a trip and of that was 1876 tons of herring.
The boat also fish with seine and did fish 572 tons of cod

Einarson Pic Oddremi