Autoline boats Sandfell SU has fish over 3,1 million euros
Autoline boat Sandfell SU in Iceland has been fishing good this year 2020.,
the company Loðnuvinnslan in the east of ICeland owns the the boat
Sandfell SU is 30 tons in size
On Sandfell SU are total of 8 men
they works in shift. 2 weeks, then are 4 men on the boat, and other after 2 weeks then they have change
and other 4 crew members come
now the boat has fish over 2000 tons of fish , mostly cod this year
and the total value is over 500 million isl kronas
That is 3,1 million euros
2,7 million pounds
33 million norsk kronas

Sandfell SU pic Gísli Reynisson

Part of the crew of Sandfell SU with the cake from Loðnuvinnslan