Autolines boats in Norway.over 30
List number 11.
Now have 3 autoline boats in Norway fish over 3000 tons,
O.Husby was with 402 tons in 1 trip and is now number 1
Seir 422,5 tons in 1
Leinebris 471 tons in 1
Nyvoll Senior 157 tons in 1
Koralhav 267 tons in 1
Veiðar 397 ton sin 1
NEsbakk 330 tons in 1
Valdimar H 157 tons in 3.
Geir 332 tons in 1
Trygve B 105 tons in 3. Trygve B and Valdimar H are now the only boat one this list that are not freezing the fish,
both of these boats are fishing in ice.

Leinebris Pic Magnar Lyngstad
for support
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537