Biggest fishing ship in Ireland
Aflafrettir is always finding new things to write about
came across the ship register over all boats and ships in Ireland and it is quite remarkable to compare it to Iceland,
in Iceland there are about 1,500 to 1700 boats still registered in Ireland last year, 1997 boats were on record,
Despite more boats, the catch is much smaller in Ireland than in Iceland. By 2015, landings of 1.3 million tonnes were still in Iceland in Ireland, only 235 thousand tonnes.
That means that catch per boat is much less in Ireland than in Iceland.
I have already considered one boat in Ireland. which can be read here
In Ireland there are some pelagic vessels and the largest fishing vessel in Ireland is a boat called Western Endeavor. This boat was built in 1987 and has become quite old. The boat is 71 meters in length. 12 meters wide and measures about 1988 tons.
aboard the boat is a 4000 horsepower machine,
can not be large compared to the Icelandic ships.
In Ireland, there are now 22 ships that are classified as pelagic vessels, which are 24 meters long and up to Western Endavour.
The name of the ship comes from a railroad which was the first railroad run for a steam power that crossed Australia across 1970. A total of 8000 km of road. took it a journey 22 days all in all.
And remember, if you see adversing on the page. click on it. and have it open for at least 4 seconds. thanks. Gísli R

Pic Magnar Lyngstad

Pic Conor Mulligan