Boats from 27 to 38,99 meters in Norway.

List number 5

from 1-1-2024 to 11-27-2024

now have four boats caught over 3000 tons

and Rowenta was with 1143 tons in 22 trips and has now caught over 5000 tons

but on many of the boats on this list are fishing herring and mackerel, but that is not on this list

that is on the list of the pelagic boats 

Leander 747 tons in 19 trips
Lofotfangst 685 tons in 25 trips

Breivik Junior 599 tons in 4 trips
Skjongholm 611 tons in 4 trips on gilnet

SKulbaren 392 tons in 5 trips
Astrid 396 tons in 22 trips

Rowenta Pic Sondre M Pettersen

Seat Seat before name Length Fishing Trips Most tn in trip Type
1 2 ROWENTA II N-3-VV 34 5111.3 79 104.1 Seine
2 1 KAMILLA GRANDE N-50-Ö 37 4266.9 94 157.4 Seine
3 4 LEANDER N-220-Ö 36 3167.4 102 76.5 Seine
4 5 LOFOTFANGST N-666-VV 34 3008.9 82 91.2 Seine
5 3 SLETTHOLMEN N-118-L 35 2867.5 60 172.1 Seine
6 6 LISE BEATE TF-100-SE 38 2359.1 62 121.1 Seine
7 9 HALTENTRÅL M-206-H 34 2325.2 15 159.1 Trawl
8 8 SULEBAS SF-100-SU 38 1983.2 60 62.1 Seine
9 14 BREIVIK JUNIOR SF-60-F 34 1884.8 12 231.6 Gilnet
10 7 BUEFJORD SF-45-A 32 1840.5 42 208.1 Seine
11 18 SKJONGHOLM SF-7-F 34 1755.8 13 203.1 Gilnet
12 10 SEGLA N-244-MS 36 1562.8 48 75.3 Seine
13 22 SKULBAREN T-111-T 37 1404.1 39 120.1 Seine
14 15 OSVALDSON TF-175-H 31 1388.2 102 54.6 Seine
15 25 ASTRID AG-97-LS 35 1380.8 76 35.1 Seine
16 11 JOHAN BERG N-145-VR 37 1376.2 47 56.8 Seine
17 12 THEA ELISE N-530-MS 37 1344.9 41 86.6 Seine
18 13 BAUTAR T-8-S 33 1296.1 12 147.3 Seine
19 26 NESEJENTA AG-1-LS 35 1280.4 76 88.7 gilnet
20 16 SAGA POLARIS VA-95-K 36 1276.3 47 104.3 Seine
NORDAN AG-8-LS 33 1204.9 53 42.3 Trawl
22 23 HAVFJORD AG-1-K 36 1204.2 34 54.3 Seine
23 17 LIAHOLM M-11-AV 33 1169.4 24 213.1 Seine
24 20 TRYGVE B TF-60-NK 38 1157.8 20 241.1 Line
25 33 MONSUN AG-3-K 36 1148.9 106 10.1 Shrimp
26 19 SKAGØYSUND T-23-T 38 1123.3 30 75.7 Seine
27 27 KYSTFISK N-253-Ö 31 1083.8 45 54.2 Seine
28 30 QUO VADIS R-150-K 34 1066.1 37 45.1 Seine
29 31 BJÖRNHAUG TF-26-SE 34 1034.2 8 177.2 Line
30 24 OLAGUTT N-7-SO 30 1005.1 35 52.6 Seine
31 37 REBEKKA L VL-43-KI 28 990.6 35 54.3 Trawl
32 28 TOPAS M-116-HÖ 34 969.1 35 42.1 Seine
33 39 KILDIN F-66-BD 37 952.8 35 71.2 Teiner
34 48 TENOR VA-19-S 35 943.1 56 42.1 Trawl
35 29 ØKSNESVÆRING N-87-Ö 28 888.4 31 48.7 Seine
36 43 SJØVIK VA-72-K 28 859.6 80 32.3 Shrimp
37 38 NESEGUTTEN AG-87-LS 32 856.5 67 43.2 Gilnet
38 32 GUNNAR K AG-1-LS 38 770.4 23 91.7 Seine
39 34 SØRBØEN M-350-SM 29 732.2 22 75.2 Seine
40 35 RUNING M-121-A 35 725.7 13 84.3 Seine