Fight of the century
It appears that Aflafrettir reported last week that Samherji would sell Baldvin from its fleet. Baldvin had the name Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA for a long time. and in a news yesterday, it was said verbatim by Samherji's website,
Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA was a very successful fishing vessel and its crew struck various fishingrecods . In 1999, Baldvin EA was the first Icelandic fishing vessels to reach a net worth of one billion Icelandic krona.
This did not turn out to be right.
In 1999 there was a fight between two freezetrawlers Arnars HU who Árni Sigurðsson was the master of and Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA who Guðmundur Jónsson was the master of, may be that Guðmundur Jónsson is today the master of Vilhelm Thorsteinsson EA and his brother. Víðir Jónsson is the master of Kleifaberg RE.
was very close between these two ships and when two months were left of the year, Arnar HU was in the top by about 825 million. than Baldvin Þorsteinsson EA then came with 750 million krónur,
These battles stood between the ships until the last turn,
Arnar HU came to land before Baldvin. than Arnar HU landed on 22.12.1999. Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA landed the following day,
and when the year was made up, it was found that both ships had fished over one billion icelandic kronas. ore 7 million pounds. and that is 75 million norsk kronas
In the end Baldvin Þorsteinsson EA had fish for 1 billion and 1 thousands kronas, and Arnar HU had fish for 1 billion and 25 thousands kronas in Icelandic
Total of fishing then Baldvin Þorsteinsson EA had fish 8219 tonns and that is about 121 kronas icelandic per kilo. ore 0,85 pounds per kilo. 9,06 norsk kronas per kilo,
Arnar HU on the other hand had fish 7169 tonns for 143 kronas per kilo. and that is about 1 pound per kilo. ore 10,7 norsk krona per kilo,
So it was not Baldvin Þorsteinsson EA who was the first icelandic freezer trawler that went over 1.billion icelandic kronas,
it was ARnar HU from Skagaströnd,

Arnar HU pic Jósef Ægir

Baldvin Þorsteinsson EA pic Ríkharður Örn Jónsson