First herring landing in Norway year 2018
here in Iceland, the vessels that catch herring, mackerel and capelin are large and so large that they are able to take well over 2000 tonnes and up to 3000 tonnes in one trip
in Norway, there are also such a big ship, but there are also many boats that are much smaller but still these giant ships. and many of these smaller boats fish herring herring and mackerel,
Today, 3 January, the first herring has been landed in Norway, and attention is drawn to the fact that the boat that landed herring is currently not large,
Stording H-5-FJ is only 14.99 meters long and 5.8 meters wide and measures about 24 tons. Made of Steel 1993.
The boat brought full load of 70 tonnes of herring, and this 70 tons are then the first herring of the year 2018
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Pic from Stording Facebook.