Fredöy M-4-HÖ. name number 4 in 5 years
In Norway are many boats that are fishing there that where build in Iceland
Here is one. this boat name is Fredöy M-4-HÖ
The boat is 14,9 meters long and build 2015.
Even if the boat has only been in Norway now in 5 years, the boat has had 3 names, and this Fredöy name is name number 4.
First the boat name was Ragnar M
Then Martin
And the Ny-Trofast.
With the name Ny-TrofastN-44-F the boat was fishing this year both with gilnet and autoline,
in total the boat fish 326 tons in 37 trips, of that was 158 tons in autoline in 11 trips.
in august 2020 the boat was sold
and new owners where Kampen Fisk DA in Leinoy.
Karl Oskar Sævik and Ole Gunnar Sævik in norway own the company
and the new name is Fredöy M-4-HÖ
The boat has started fishing and have landed about 10 tons on gilnet in 9 trips.

Fredöy pic Otto Sande