Full load for Atlantic Viking M-68-G
Always good to look at some fishing number in Norway.
In Norway there is the freezer trawler Atlantic Viking M-68-G. the trawler was built 2013 and is 74,7 meters long and 15,7 meters wide. in the ship is a 5800 hp engine. trawler is in the own of Giske Havfiske As that is in Alesund,
The trawler has big quota, total if 10600 tonns, and of most of that is cod 5400 tonns.
Now this year trawler has fish total of about 5871 tonn,
the newest landing was realy big. Atlantic Viking came to Tromsö with full load. total 1338 tonns in one trip
of that cod was 876 tonns and saithe was 408 tonns.

Pic Magnar Lyngstad