Gitte Henning with 2700 tons to Iceland.
The Faroese pelagic vessel Gitte Henning arrives to Fáskrúðsfjörður with 2,700 tonnes of blue whiting for smelting. The ship is built in 2018 and is very well equipped.
The owner of the ships are from Gata in the Faroe Islands bought the ship from Denmark last year.
The same company is also the owner of Finnur Friði, , Þrándur í Götu and Tummas T.
Eight ships from the Faroe Islands have landed nearly 20,000 tonnes of blue whiting in the last two months in Fáskrúðsfjörður.
With Hoffell's catch, the capelin plant has received 33,000 tonnes.
Loðnuvinnslan in Fáskrúðsfjörður owns Hoffell SU and full load for Hoffell SU is about 1700 tons.

Gitte Henning Pic Friðrik Már