Hafrafell SU has fish over 2,4 million euros
In the east of ICeland there is a company name Loðnuvinnslan.
Loðnuvinnslan owns 2 small autoline boats that boat are boats made of plast and are both boats about 30 tons in size.
The other boat name is Hafrafell SU.
And it was celebrated now in November that Hafrafell SU has fish total of 1600 tons this year 2020,
for a total value of 400 million isl kronas
that is 2,4 million euros
2,2 million pounds
26,2 million norsk kronas
Loðnuvinnslan came with cake to the boat to celebrate this good fishing for Hafrafell SU.

Hafrafell SU pic Loðnuvinnslan,

The cake