Havprins F-1-B
There are many boats in norway that are fishing. some of them fish over 1000 tons per year and others just under 100 tons,
Havprins F-1-B is one of the boats that is not fishing that much per year.
Havprins is 10,66 m eters long and 3,9 meters wide and is 12 tons. build of aluminium 1987 and has 152 hp engie om board,
the boat is fishing from Berlevag in north Norway.
in total Havprins has 91 tons kvote and of that is cod 65 tons,
This year the boats has fish total of 56,6 tons.
and the newest landing was just some days ago when the boat came with 505 kilos

Havprins Pic Stig Johansen,
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