Highest autoline boats in Iceland 2019

The big autoline boats in Iceland in this list are in total 14,

4 of the fish over four thousands tons

all of these boats are landind fresh fish, 

no autoline boats in Iceland freeze the fish like they do in Norway.

cod is that most of these autoline boats are fishing in ICeland. 

Jóhanna Gísladóttir GK var number 1

with almost 4500 tons.

Seat Name Total Trips tons per trips
14 Þórsnes SH 109 798.5 10 79.8
13 Núpur BA 69 2337.2 58 40.2
12 Hörður Björnsson ÞH 260 2679.1 49 54.6
11 Örvar SH 777 2748.2 47 58.4
10 Rifsnes SH 44 2854.5 51 55.9
9 Valdimar GK 195 3198.2 55 58.1
8 Sturla GK 12 3496.3 49 71.3
7 Hrafn GK 111 3543.8 50 70.8
6 Tjaldur SH 270 3641.5 55 66.2
5 Kristín GK 457 3891.3 50 77.8
4 Fjölnir GK 157 4093.6 46 88.9
3 Páll Jónsson GK 357 4299.9 49 87.7
2 Sighvatur GK 57 4470.8 41 109.1
1 Jóhanna Gísladóttir GK 557 4504.7 44 102.3