HUGE month for Björgvin EA in Iceland
In Iceland this september was realy good fishing for the ice fish trawlers .
many trawlers where fishing up to 60 tonns per one day. and the trawlers from Dalvík and Akureyri came with total of 3356 tonns in land. most of that was cod.
3356 tonns from 4 trawlers. Kaldbakur EA. Hjalteyrin EA. Snæfell EA and Björgvin EA,
Björgvin EA did huge. because Ásgeir Pálsson captein of Björgvin EA and the crew of the trawler broke the 1000 tonns wall.
in total Björgvin EA fish 1073 tonns in 7 trips. that is about 153 tonns per day
best trip was 166 tonns in just 3 days. about 55 tonns per day,
most of this 1073 tonns where cod,

Björgvin EA pic Haraldur Hjálmarsson