Huge autoline fishing for 2 boats. Hafrafell SU and Sævík GK
In Iceland last 3 days have the autoline boats that are fishing out from Grindavík and Sandgerði had huge cod fishing,
here are 2 small news about huge fishing
first is Hafrafell SU . Hafrafell SU is about 25 tons boat.
but he came first with 26,4 tons in one trip and of that was cod 23,9 tons,
2 days later Hafrafell SU came back fully loaded with 25 tons
total in 3 trips Hafrafell SU was with about 70 tons in just 3 trips,
Sævík GK that is about 27 tons boat, and can carry abut 16 tons of fish
had huge fishing,
he went out with 15000 hooks
and after the boat had only finish taking 8000 hooks the boats was full of fish,
Sævík GK came to harbour with 15,2 tons but had to go back out again to take the last hooks,
The boat went out back and finish to taking 7000 hooks and in that the boat had 12,4 tons.
total was 27,6 tons on this 15000 hooks
then total for these 2 boats was about 100 tons,

Sævík GK with 15 tons , þic Eyjólfur Vilbergsson

Hafrafell SU pic Beggi captein,