Icefish trawlers in the Faroe Islands
Aflafrettir has now fishing datas for most of the pelagic , auto liners, freezer trawler and ice fish trawler of the Faeroe islands.
Six trawler fish over 2000 tons.
Polarhav XPVI was with 2000 tons.
Skoraberg OW-2100 was with 2334 tons and most of that was cod
Eysturbugvin 2505 tons
Vesturbugvin OW-2493 2562 tons and of that was mackerel 388 tons
Vesturbugvin and Eysturbugvin are twin trawlers.

Stjornan Pic Regin Torkilsson
Stjörnan XPVT was with 2672 tons and of that was mackerel 805 tons.
And the highest one

Vestmenningur Pic Karl Rasmussen
Vestmenningur was with 3978 tons, and of that was mackerel 2097 tons.