Korsnes F-39-BD fishing well
On Aflafrettir is now a list of the line boats in Norway that dont freeze the fish on board. on of the boat that is there is Korsnes F-39-BD.
Korsnes started fishing in oktober 2017 and did relay well in november when the boat fish about 290 tons in one month
Korsnes is build 1987 of oak and is 19,55 meters long
Hans Martin is captain of Korsnes and he came to Batsfjord 21.january with good fish
20,5 tons on 60 stamps and that is about 341 kilos per stamp. of that was cod 10,7 tons and haddock 9,7 tons,
And if you readers have pics then you can send it to gisli@aflafrettir.is ore on Aflafrettir facebook

Korsnes Pics Hans Martin