netboat Kamöyfjord F-175-NK
I have told you dear readers that Aflafrettir has the best readers available. you have been diligent to hear me about the other and this and if I have missed pictures of boats they have come.
It is certain that Aflafrettir not only has good readers in Iceland. Norwegians and English are also a huge group of readers.
Right now was published on the Aflafrettir list of Norwegian 15 meters of boats in October. There are, for example, SAga K, Aldís Lind and other boats. I wrote that there was one boat that would not be a picture of,
the netboat Kamöyfjord. This boat is made from Hönningsvog and roar on the net. is constructed in 2008 and is made of aluminum.
Has a pretty good quota, or about 885 tons, which means that it is 561 tonnes. Now this year, the boat has landed 547 tonnes this year.
When the list appears on the English page, text also included where a picture was requested if someone else had the boat.
and it took no less than a minute to come, because Ken-Ivan Petterson brought a picture of this boat that was idle,
yes, Aflafrettir continues to have wonderful readers and that in Norway too,
One click a day r on the English page

Kamöyfjord Pic Ken-Ivan Petterson