New Akraberg to The Faroe Islands
Here on Aflafrettir was a news about freezers trawlers in The Faroe Islands
and they are only 3 in total. Enniberg, Gadus and Akraberg
Akraberg is own by company Framherji that Samherji in Iceland owns.
The Akraberg that is now fishing was build 1994 and is 85,8 meters long and 14 meters wide
Now Framherji that owns Akraberg have sign a contract with Vard shipyard to build a new freezer trawler for Akraberg
The new Akraberg will be build in Vard Braila in Romania and completed in Norway
The new Akraberg will be 84 meters long and 16,7 meters wide and has a accommodation for a crew of 25 in single cabins
The catch handling layout includes live fish tanks to keep fish in peak condition prior to processing and freezing in a sophisticated factory deck.
The new trawler will have 2000 cubic metres of refrigerated fishroom capacity on two deck levels, as well as 550 cubic metres of
ensilage tank capacity for factory waste, ensuring full utilisation of catches.
the cost of the new trawler is about 500 million norsk krona
that is 46,7 million euors
42,5 million pounds
The trawler will be delivered in 2022
Útgerðarfyrirtækið Framherji í Færeyjum sem gerir út Akraberg hefur undirritað samning um smíði á nýjum frystitogara í staðinn fyrir Akraberg
Nýi togarinn verður smíðaður í Vard í Rúmeníu og síðan kláraður í Noregi.
Skipið verður 84 metra langt og 16,7 metra breidd og með klefa fyrir 25 manna áhöfn, í 25 klefum
áæltlað er að skipið komi árið 2022 og kostar um 7,5 mlljarða króna íslenskar

New Akraberg pic from Vard