New boat Remöybuen M-9-HÖ
Now are many boats fishing outside of Norway.
One of them that is fishing now is a new boat name Remöybuen M-9-HÖ
This boat was build and finish in january 2020.
Was buil in Vard Langsten in Norway.
The boat is 27,99 meters long and 9,5 meters wide.
it has Yanmar engine 1006 bhp.
Remöybuen has been fishing with seine now this year 2020 and has been fishing pretty good,
In total the boat has fish now almost 800 tons and most of that is cod 480 tons,
Now in November the boat has fish total of 82,2 tons in 4 trips,
most 30,3 tons in one trip.
most of the fishing in november is saithe 60,1 tons.

Remöybuen Pci Vegar Skagen Danielsen