New boat Risvik F-153-LB
Now today 28,oktotber are many boats fishing from Norway.
One of of the boat that is now fishing is a new boat name Risvik F-153-LB
This boat is almost brand new
was build in Norway 2019 and is 20,93 meters long and 9 meters wide.
Risvik has 800 bhp engine
The boats has 4 RSW tanks that are in total 150m3, has 40 tons tanks for oil and 25 tons tanks for water
Risvik has also bow thruster and Stern thruster and both are 120 bhp
This year Risvik has been fishing with seine and has fish now over 1000 tons,
In total the boat has fish now 1042,9 tons in 60 trips.
that is about 17,3 tons in a trip.
of this is 452 tons of cod and 429 tons of haddock

Pic Michael R Thom

Pic Frode Adolfsen

Pic Frank Einar Iversen

Pic Gunnar Haugstad