New longliner to Iceland
In Iceland there are about 20 boats that fish with longline. up to 45.000 hooks in the ship. Most all of them are boats that where build in the years 1960 to 1970. first that boats where fishing capelin and herring , but later on where change to longliners
only 2 boats in Iceland where specally build as longliners. Tjaldur SH and Örvar SH. but that was about 25 years ago.
But now is a boat sailing to Iceland that has been in building in Poland for the last 2 years.
2 years ago the company that own that boat bought a 23 meter boat from New Sealand but that boat was never finish.
that boat was towed to Poland and 22 meters long pease was put in the boat and the new boat was the 45 meters long and 9,2 meters wide
the boat that name is Stormur HF has 3 CAT engine on boat, yeach 632 hp, and these engine make electric for 1000 hp electric motor that turns the propeller.
The new boat take about 140 tons of fish in the cargo. and has capins for 20 people in 14 capins.
Stormur HF is the first new longliner in Iceland for about 25 years.

STormur HF sailing to Iceland,

This is what the boat look like in the beginning. pics lurkurinn
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