Piggskate ( Thornback skate) fishing in Norway
Now when the year 2020 is almost over then it is just a little fun to look at the data's of the fishing in Norway this year 2020.
Yes we know that she ships fish a lot of cod, herring, blue whiting and more.
But how about other fish species .
In Norway there is a fish that is called Piggskate. In English this is Thornback Skate. Ore in Icelandic this is just Skata.
In Norway there is not so many boats that fish this Skate.
of about 6000 boats in Norway
only 30 boats in Norway have fish Skate this year 2020.
And this is just a little interesting .
Total of skate fishing in Norway is now 149,2 tons.
And of that 2 boats from the same owner has fish total of 136,2 tons of 91% of total skate fishing in Norway
Valdimar H F-185-NK has fish most. 100,1 tons and that is 67% of the total skate fishing in Norway.
This is pretty amazing that one boat has fish almost 67% of the total fishing of one fish species.
Here you can see list of the boats that have landed Skate in Norway this year 2020
As can been seen on this list the smallest boats that have fish Skate this year is
ØIEN H-5-A and this boat is only 5,3 meters long, and Aflafrettir did not find any photo of this boat |
Seat | Name | Length | Fishing gear | Total fishing in kilos |
1 | VALDIMAR H F-185-NK | 38,42 | Line | 100,092 |
2 | TRYGVE B TF-60-NK | 38,78 | Line | 36,154 |
3 | STORMHAV F-1-HV | 27,99 | Gillnet | 6,218 |
4 | BEKKVIK JUNIOR F-199-NK | 14,99 | Seine | 2,597 |
5 | KRISTIAN GERHARD F-7-NK | 14,99 | Seine | 1,554 |
6 | PERAGUTT H-51-O | 10,65 | Ruser | 669 |
7 | FRØYANES SENIOR SF-14-S | 46,58 | Line | 512 |
8 | HAVØRN 2 H-127-B | 10,65 | Gillnet | 261 |
9 | KROSSFJORDFISK H-14-S | 7,85 | Gillnet | 226 |
10 | KVARTNES R-47-K | 12 | Gillnet | 194 |
11 | HENRIETTE E F-500-NK | 12,99 | Line | 159 |
12 | STRILAGUTT H-66-S | 8,13 | Gillnet | 144 |
13 | ØYFISK TF-19-NK | 10,98 | Line | 125 |
14 | TOR H-120-B | 7,9 | Seine | 66 |
15 | NJÅGUTT H-76-AV | 10,55 | Harp | 54 |
16 | LOBSTER H-15-FJ | 7 | Gillnet | 54 |
17 | VIKØY H-1-B | 10,6 | Gillnet | 49 |
18 | BEATE SF-156-V | 10,61 | Gillnet | 34 |
19 | SJØLIVET H-11-B | 9,2 | Gillnet | 27 |
20 | FANCY H-163-B | 7,65 | Gillnet | 23 |
21 | SKARTEN VL-45-AV | 10,66 | Gillnet | 21 |
22 | BRITT EVELYN H-9-FS | 9,3 | Gillnet | 20 |
23 | ØIEN H-5-A | 5,3 | Gillnet | 19 |
24 | NORDVESTEN F-54-P | 8,99 | Line | 17 |
25 | TIN SF-11-V | 10,65 | Gillnet | 15 |
26 | ØYSTRAND H-28-B | 7,59 | Line | 13 |
27 | STORSTRIL H-60-S | 11,88 | Gillnet | 10 |
28 | AARFISK H-70-AV | 7,35 | Gillnet | 10 |
29 | SIGLEVIK H-9-FJ | 11,35 | Line | 7 |
30 | VIKANØY N-7-BÖ | 34,07 | Seine | 2 |

Valdimar H Pic Oddremi

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