Roaldsen and Akeröy to Iceland, Akeröy found capelin
In Iceland now in the wintertime most of the icelandic pelagic ships have been fishing capelin, now this season no ship have found capelin and thats way most of the ships are waiting for quota for the capelin,
ships from Norway have been fishing capelin in iceland in the wintertime for many years, and now 2 ships from Norway are now in Iceland and just waiting for quota so they can start fishing capelin,
These ships are Roaldsen that is 59 meters long and the boat is laying now in harbour in Seyðisfjörður.
the other ship is Akeröy that came to Neskaupstaður with 1580 tons on blue whiting that they fish close to Ireland.
the captein of the ship Geir Ove Aker told in a interview with Síldarvinnslan that they where about 730 miles from Iceland and it took them 4 days to sail.
They had storm for 2 days on these long sailing to Iceland.
On they way to Iceland Geir sail over many capelins blocks and Akeröy is well then the first ship that have found capelin this winter.
Geir Ove told that they are going to wait in Neskaupstaður because he hope that they can start fishing capelin if more capelins will found.
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Akeröy Pic Roger Solem

Geir Ove Aker captein of Akeröy, Pic Smári Geirsson