Serene LK 297, 7 trips to Norway
Many pelagic ship from UK have been coming to Norway this year 2020 with herring and mackerel
Here on Aflafrettir we have been writing about few of them
and here is one
This ship is great looking red ship name Serene LK 297,
This ship is pretty new. was build in Karstensens skibsværft and finish in agust 2ö18.
The ship is 82 meters long and 17,2 meter wite.
has 9655 bhp engine from MAN om board
The ship can carry almost 2900 tons of pelagic fish,
In total Serene has been 7 times to Norway this year
with a total of 6964 tons
1483 tons of herring and 5479 tons of mackerel

Serene Pic Calum Gray
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537 09