Storvig VA-81-LS
Now the year 2020 is almost over.
In Norway there have been many boats that have been fishing with gillnet,
Most of the boats are small, but there are bigger boats, and many of them have fish over 1000 tons,
One of them is Storvig VA-81-LS. This boas is 23,95 meters long and 7,6 meters wide
he was build in the year 1998 and has 860 bhp MAN engine.
from 1.january 2020, to 4.desember 2020. the boat has fish 1010 tons in 62 trips, and that is about 16,3 tons in a trip
Now in Desember the last 2 trips of the boats where total of about 15 tons of fish

Storvig Pic Frode Adolfsen
for support
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537