Trawler Pálína Þórunn GK got a big bomb in the trawl
29 meters long trawler name Pálína Þórunn GK in ICeland had been fishing outside of Sandgerði for the last days
and in one tail the crew saw something that was pretty strange.
This was a bomb . and a pretty big bomb
the bomb was 300 kilos.
They immediately contacted the Coast Guard and were advised to spray seawater on the bomb while sailing to Sandgerði.
The Coast Guard's bomb squad received Pálína when she arrived at Sandgerði, but she arrived there at 7 o'clock tonight
and the bomb was removed from the boat and LHG will take it out to sea where it will be detonated and destroyed,
Operations in Sandgerði took about 2 hours and after they ended Pálína Þórunn GK went out again to fish

Bomb in the trawler Pálina Þórunn GK 16.desember 2020

Trawler Pálína Þórunn GK

Pics in Sandgerði. Gísli Reynisson
for support
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537