Valdimar H in Norway has fish over 2000 tons.
Now the newest list of the autoline boats in Norway has come here on
That is for the boats that are over 30 meters long,
All of the autoline boats that are longer than 30 meters in Norway are freezing the fish, and then when the boat
come to land the fish is defrost and workt in a fishing factory.
but there is one boat that is not freezing the fish, and this boat is Valdimar H F-185-NK.
This boat was build in Norway in the year 1968, and was in Iceland from the year 1968 to the year 2016
in total of 48 years.
Most of the time the boat had the name Kópur GK from 1980 to 2002 ore in 22 years,
Valdimar H in own by Esköy i Norway, and that company is in own be people from Iceland.
Now this year Valdimar H has fish over 2000 tons. in total of 2103 tons in 39 trips, ore 54 tons in trip
of that is cod 735 tons, haddock 913 tons and tusk ( brosme) 208 tons

Valdimar H pic Oddremi
for support
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537