Vengsöyværing T-891-T
In Norway there are many boats that are fishing that are made of timber.
One of them is this boat
This boat name is Vengsöyværing T-891-T
was build 1975 and is 15,4 meters long and 4,7 meters wide.
has 238 hp engine that came in the boat in the year 1988.
The boat is own by company that has same name as the boat and is fishing from Vengsöy.
Vengsöy is in a small island not far away from Tromsö
The boat has been fishing this year total of around 130 tons and most of that is cod around 105 tons,
in the last 3 trips the boat has landed 10,8 tons and most 5,8 tons in one trip.
most of that is cod

Vengsöyværing T-891-T pic from facebook page boat