What is this? Aflafrettir?
Yes what is this, Aflafrettir?
this is a icelandic word and if we translate it then it is fishing news.
but i could not the use the word fishing news because there is company that owns this name.
This page Aflafrettir.is started in the year 2007, and in the year 2011 then this sister page started aflafrettir.com
on the icelandic version there are list of every boats in Iceland and each list is made per month and updated often to see
what boats fish the most per month ( like, seine, trawlers, line, gilnet, boats up to 8 tons and more)
The English version of aflafrettir, aflafrettir.com i have been trying to have also lists on the page for the boats in Norway
but it is pretty difficult because there are huge amount of boats and also often difficult to get the data's.
But i hope that in the year 2021 i can make a list per month just as i have been doing for test with the
list with lineboats under and over of 20 meters in Norway, like i did in November and now in December.
Also i have all fishing data's from The Faroe Islands and have been making list with the trawlers and pelagic ship.
But this is not the only think i want, i have been trying to get fishing datas from Denmark, UK, Scotland and Ireland to make also list
but that is more difficult, but i will continue to work on that
But who is me?
Well owner of aflafrettir.com is not a big company ore anything else, My name is Gísli Reynisson and this is just my
family work, i write and calculate everything from my home in Iceland. I am all alone and do everything that you
see on Aflafrettir.com page.
And i love metal music, while i am calculating and writing i just to metal, heavy metal, and death metal all the time hehe
I am 45 years old and other work i do is that i drive buses in Iceland with tourist and Icelandic people , and yes i have been fishing,
i have been on small trawler, gilnetboats, pelagic boat fishing capelin, total for 3 years. have 4 kids and a wife of course.
Many people in Iceland support me because they know how much work i do in this page.
and there are people in Norway are more other country's that have ask me if they can support me
So for the first time i am gonna give out information if people want to support me with working on this page
if they want
Gísli Reynisson
Fífudalur 23
260 Reykjanesbær
IBAN IS83 0142 0500 1072 2008 7537 09
Grateful and thanks
This year 2020 i have get well over 1000 message from people in Europe mostly Norway and The Faroe Island and people are giving
me news and pics,
i am so grateful about this and i just wanna say that i so happy that you dear reader like this page that Aflafrettir.com is
Many thanks for that and many thanks for support
but one thing in the end.
I also get many message from people all over the world that are asking me for a job on a boat , but i don't have any boats, i
just am home in Iceland in my office writing,
Gísli R

Þorsteinn ÞH oldest fishing boats in Iceland, one of many boats i take my self

Me with my wife and kids.