Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.11

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List number 11. from 1-1-2022 to 11-5-2022. now have 4 boats on this list caught over 400 tons,. Mjasund with 105,5 tons in 32 trips on net and is now in almost 940 tons,. Hendanes 81,2 tons in 30 trips also on net. Kvitholmen 34,9 tons in 8. Nesheim 52,4 tons in 14 trips. Convoy 58,9 tons in 10 ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 11.  From 1-1-2022 to 11-4-2022. Pecten Harvester with 32,3 tons in 13 trips and is now in total of 176 tons,  this boat is fishing  Kjamskell in Norsk. Martine 2,2 tons in 6. Nordböen 15,4 tons in 11 trips. Svana 13,4 tons in 18 trips. Sjögutt 16,2 tons in 12 trips. Randöyjenta 6,1 ton ...

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 11. from 1-1-2022 to 11-1-2022. now have 5 boats on this list caught over 300 tons,. and myreng fisk was with 91,8 tons in 11 trips and has now caught almost 538 tons. Bergsund 39,9 tons in 9. Norliner 77,5 tons in 14 trips on autoline. Unnur 112 tons in 15 trips also on autoline. ...

Pelagic ship in Iceland. caught almost 960.000 tons.

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The year 2022 has been good for the pelagic ships. now they have in total caught almost 959 thousands tons and in that number is about 50 thousands tons. that ships from Greenland did caught of capelin last winter. Of this 959.000 tons  are. 490,000 tons of capelin. 146,000 tons of herring. 133,000 ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2022,List nr.11

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List number 11. From 1-1-2022 to 10-30-2022. Now have 3 boats on this list caught over 100 tons,. Terna with 37,1 tons in 11 trips and with that jumps up to number 1. Jann Georg 15,3 tons in 17 trips. and Filip 4,6 tons in 4 trips. Martine Sofie 31,6 tons in 28 trips. Bergebyjenta 20,5 tons in 28 ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway 2022. nr.11

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List number 11. From 1-1-2022 to 10-30-2022. npw have 5 boats on this list caught over 50 tons,. Aud with 13,3 tons in 6 trips and has now caught over 70 tons,. Skagen 7,9 tons in 15. Calypso 8,7 tons in 12. Helene 11,4 tons in 20 trips. Skjærbuen 11,4 tons in 18 trips. Öynes 9,6 tons in 20 trips. ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway 2022,nr,11

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List number 11. from 1-1-2022 to 10-26-2022. Now have on this list 4 boats caught over 50 tons,. Solveig was with 20,4 tons in 10 trips and has now caught almost 88 tons. Hareide 25,7 tons in 31 trips. Talyn 14,4 tons in 26 trips. Gullfisk 14,3 tons in 17 trips. Gabrielle 4,6 tons in 14 trips. ...

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 11. from 1-1-2022 to 10-24-2022. THis is the list of the smallest boats in Norway. and 5 boas have caught over 40 tons. and the 3 highest have all been in more that 100 trips each boat. but no pics are of these boats. Statsnail 1 was with 15,4 tons in 32 trips. Annely 22,6 tons  in 37 ...

Trawlers in

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List number 8. from 1-1-2022 to 10-18-2022. now have 3 trawler in Norway caught over 9000 tons.  and . Atlantic Viking was with 1678 tons in 2 trips and with that has now caught over 10.000 tons,. Kongsfjord 2153 tons in 7 trips and jumps up 8 seats . Sunderöy 1493 tons in 2. Gadus Neptun 1134 tons ...

Shrimp (In Ice) in Norway year

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List number 4. from 1-1-2022 to 10-17-2022. here on this list are only boats that are fishing shrimp and not freezing the shrimp. now have 8 boats caught over 100 tons of shrimp. Monsun was with 14,8 tons in 8 trips and with that has now caught over 200 tons,. Tempo 42,6 tons in 19 trips. Högvatral ...

Lineboats in Norway year 2022, nr.9

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List number 9,. Now have almost most all of the boats that are on this list caught over 2000 tons, in total of 16 boats. 6 of them have caught over 3000 tons,. but on this list Atlantic was with 354 tons in 1. Loran 399 tons in 1. Fjellmöy 471 tons in 1. Fröynes Junior 769 tons in 2 trips. Vonar 657 ...

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in

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List number 10. Now have on this list 3 boats caught over 2000 tons,. Lofotfangst is still number 1, and was with 362 tons in 16 trips and is close to 4500 tonn  now this year. Kvalnes 357,7 tons in 3 tripos. Fanöyvag 308 tons in 2 trips on net but the other boats are fishing with seine. Nordsö 305 ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in Norway.2022,nr.10

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List number 10. Good fishing and now have 4 boats caught over 1000 tons,. Dypfjord with 283 tons in 14 trips and is now number 1, he is fishing with seine. Hellskjær 210 tons in 11 trips on net. Ballstadværing 179 tons in 13 on seine. Storvig 251 tons in 13 trips on net. Victoria May 90 tons in 4 ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in Norway.2022,nr.10

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List number 10. From 1-1-2022 to 30-9-2022. Good fishing and now have 4 boats on this list caught over 1000 tons. Ben Hur with 314,8 tons in 18 trips and with that has now caught over 2000 tons,. Grotle 390 tons in 3 trips and he is fishing with autoline. Andöyfisk 115 tons in 26 trips. Ke-to 187 ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway 2022,nr.10

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List  number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-28-2022. now have 2 boats on this list been in 117 trips, Klævtind I and Havbara. Havbara was with 113,1 tons in 30 trips. Klævtind I 89,5 ton sin 23 trips. Mea 117 tons in 13. Havflud 31 tons in 16. Sjofisk 23,6 tons in 2. Ringskjær Nord 32,4 tons in 18 trips. ...

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.10

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-20-2022. good fishing on this list, and mostly from boats that are fishing with line. Hauge Junior is fishing with net and was with 311,6 tons in 11 trips and has now caught over 1600 tons,. Ragnhild Kristine with 257 ton sin 9 trips and with that has now caught ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.10

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-18-2022. now have 4 boats caught over 400 tons on this list. Mjasund 102,7 tons  in 25 trips and has now caught over 800 tons in 109 trips. Kvitholmen 136 tons in 22 trips. Hendanes 110 tons in 25 trips. Trolltind 37,9 tons 27 trips. Bolga 60,5 tons in 22 trips. ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-16-2022. Now have 5 boats on this list caught over 100 tons,. Pecten Harvester with 23,3 tons in 14 trips and is now number 1. Viljar 10,2 tons in 4 trips. Skipson 13,1 tons in 9 trips. Sjögutt 11,3 tons in 10 trips. Randöyjenta 8 tons in 18 trips. Sverre Junir 1,2 ...

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-14-2022. now have 2 boats caught over 400 tons, and now is only arount 16 tons between them. Myreng Fisk was with 29,7 tons in 4 trips. but Ludvik 54,6 tons in 20 trips. Bergsund 41 tons in 12 trips. Sommaröy 58,6 tons in 22 trips. Billy T 65 tons in 20 trips. ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2022,List nr.10

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-12-2022. good fishing on this list and now have 5 boats caught over 80 tons,. on this list Filip was with 7,5 tons in 5 trips and is now number 1. Jann Geort 23,2 tons in 18 trips. Terna 10,2 ton sin 5 trips. Solvik 18,2 tons in 14 trips and jumps up 21 seats. ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway 2022. nr.10

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List number 10. Good fishing on this list andnow have 3 boats caught over 50 tons. Aud now number 1 and was with 10,6 tons in 6 trips. Skagen 22,3 tons in 22 trips and jumps up 7 seats. Tunfisk 5,9 tons in 9 trips. Calypso 14,2 tons in 20 trips and jumps up 6 seats. Hele 8,7 tonsin 6 trips. ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway 2022,nr,10

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-5-2022. Now have 5 boats on this list caught over 40 tons. Hareide 17,2 tons in 24 trips and jumps up 6 seats and is now is number 2. Talyn 13,9 tons in 23 trips. Ada Sofie 4,9 tons in 3. Tarrelusa 5,1 tons in 10. Tony 6,9 tons in 7. Knausen 11,7 ton sin 13. ...

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 10. from 1-1-2022 to 9-4-2022. Now have 3 boats on this smallest boats in Norway caught over 40 tons,. Statsnail 1 was with 6,5 tons in 20 trips and is now number 1. Örna 3,7 tons in 6 trips. Annely 12,1 tons in 33 trips. Maskot 10,8 tons in 17 trips. Line 8,3 tons in 18 trips. Magne ...

Trawlers in

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List number 7. From 1-1-2022 to 31-8-2022. good fishing for the trawers on Norway, and here on this list we have 4 trawlers that have caught . over 8000 tons,. Atlantic viking was with 1554 tons in 2 trips. Molnes 1695 tonsin 3 trips. Havbryn 2290 tons in 2 trips. Gadus Neptun 2053 tons in 3 trips. ...

Lineboats in Norway year 2022, nr.8

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List number 8. from 1-1-2022 to 9-1-2022. Atlantic is fishing with seine and was with 1067 tons in just 2 trips and has now caught over 1000 tons,. Loran 781 tons in 2 trips on autoline. Geir 840 tons in 2 trips on autoline. Leinebris 508 tons in 2. Vonar 657 tons in 2 trips. Seir 573 tons in 2 ...

Shrimp (In Ice) in Norway year

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List number 3.  from 1-1-2022 to 8-30-2022. good shrimp fishing for the boats on this list, and here are only boats that are fishing in ice,  not freezing . 6 boats have now caught over 100 tons,. Monsun with 37 tons in 13 trips. Tempo 35 tons in 15 trips. Hövagtral 32 tons in 9 . Eigenes 40 tons in ...

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in

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List number 9.,. Huge fishing for the top 10 boats.  but also on the bottom of this list are the shrimp. boats that they also are fishing goot. Lofotfangst was with 738 tons in 20 trips and most 101 tons in one trips and has now caught over 4000 tons,. Skolmen 618 tons in 12 trips. Kvalnes 311 tons ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in Norway.2022,nr.9

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List number 9,. from 1-1-2022 to 8-25-2022. Now have 2 boats caught over 1200 tons. Hellskjær with 164 tons in 11 trips on net and is now number 1. Skomværfisk 56 tons in 12 trips. Storvig 118 tons in 8 trips. Fröybanken 116 tons in 12 trips. and all of these boats are fishing with net. Fröybanken ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in Norway.2022,nr.9

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List number 9. from 1-1-2022 to 8-24-2022. now have 3 boats caught over 1000 tons,. Ben Hur is close to 2000 tons. was now with 373 tons in 13trips. Anöyfisk 91,1tons in 20 trips. Grotle 251 tons in 1 trips fishing with autoline andis freezing the fish. Ingvardson 228 tons in14trips. Norbanken 81 ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway 2022,nr.9

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List number 9. from 1-1-2022 to 8-23-2022. Many boats on this list that are fishing shrimp. but on top are now 2 boats that both have caught over 800 tons,. Havbara still number 1 and was with 69 tons in 13 trips on net. bur Karl-Viktor was with 196,4 tons in 19 trips on seine, . Klævtind I 90,7 ...

New Akraberg to the Faroe Islands

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about a week ago a new trawler came to Akureyri in Iceland, that trawler has the name Snæfell EA . and before this trawler was in The faroe islands and had the name Akraberg. The owner of Akraberg was Framherji in the Faroe Islands and this July they received a new trawler called Akraberg. That ...

Selma Dröfn stranded in Norway.

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There is quite a lot about former Icelandic boats and Icelandic owners who own boats in Norway. one of them is Haraldur Árni Haraldsson who owned the boat Selma Dröfn BA in Iceland. In the year 2011, they then moved out to Norway with Selma Dröfn BA and named her Selma. today the company owns a boat ...

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.9

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List number 9. from 1-1-2022 to 8-12-2022. Good fishing on this and mostly from boats that are fishing with line, . Hauge Junior was with 150 tons in 10 trips. Ragnhild KRistine 147 tons in 11 trips. Föniks 220 tons in 13 trips. SElma Dröfn 163 tons in 11 trips. Einar 111 tons in 15 trips. Vibeke ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway 2022,nr.9

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List number 9. From 1-1-2022 to 8-10-2022. on this list now have 4 boats caught over 400 tons,. but Mjasund has caughtover 700 tons, and on this list was with 52,5 tons in 8 trips. Hendanes 76 tons in 26 trips. Kvitholmen 40,2 tons in 6 trips. Hendanes Pic Frode Adolfsen.

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 9. From 1-1-2022 to 8-8-2022. Not many boats that did fish on this list. Pecten Harvester was with 23,9 tons in 18 trips and is now number 2 on this list. Fidel 2,4 tons in 13 trips. Fromar 9,2 tons in 14 trips. Sjögutt 15,8 tons in 11 trips. Pecten Harvester pic kare holthe &sonner as.

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 9. from 1-1-2022 to 8-7-2022. on this list 7 boats have now caught over 200 tons. and on this was list was good fishing. Myreng Fisk with 95 tons in 12 trips and with that has now caught over 400 tons and is number 1. Bergsund 39 tons in 12 trips. Emilie 56 tons in 25 trips. Torando 54 ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway 2022,List nr.9

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List number 9, .  from 1-1-2022 to 8-3-2022. Now have 4 boats on this list caught over 80 tons, and on this list was pretty good fishing. Roy-Tony with 28,8 tons in 18 trips and what is now number 1. but only 204 kilos more than Filip that is number 2. Jann Gerorg 29,5 tons in 25 trips and jumps up ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway 2022. nr.9

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List number 9. from 1-1-2022 to 7-29-2022. Now have 8 boats on this list caught over 40 tons,. Fjordfisk is still number 1, but the boat did not fish anything on this list. Aud 2,8 tons in 6. Villja 10,4 tons in 10 trips and jumps up 5 seats. Frants 13,4 tons in 9 trips and jumps up 8 seats. Linn ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway 2022,nr,9

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List number 9.  from 1-1-2022 to 7-28-2022. now have on this list 9 boats caught over 30 tons,. but Solveig that is fishing in net was fishing good, was with 29,3 tons in 16 trips and with that has now. caught  almost 68 tons and is number 1. Gullfisk 8,4 tons in 18 trips. Hareide 13,3 tons in 14 ...

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 9,. from 1-1-2022 to 7-20-2022. now have 4 boats on these smallest boats in Norway caught over 30 tons. On this list Gasan was with 4,2 tons in 5 trips and with that is now number 1. Örna 5,3 ton sin 9 trips. Fjordfangst 4,2 tons in 8 trips, and has then been over 100 trips. Stasnail ...