Boats from 28m to 35 m in Norway

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List number 2. From 1-1-2021 to 11-6-2021. no herring ore mackerel on this list. Slettholmen is now fishing herring and in total the boats has fish almost 7600 tons,. but on this list.  Rowenta was with 337 tons in 5 trips. Breivik junior 194 tons in 1. Skjongholm 104 tons in 1. Haltentral 148 tons ...

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in

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List number 4. from 1-1-2021 to 11-4-2021. Good fishing on this list. Lofotfangst was with 156 tons in 2 trips and with that has now fish over 4000 tons. Osvaldson 98,8 tons in 5 and has fish over 2000 tons,. in total 6 boats have now fish over 2000 tons,. Stormhav  78 tons in  1 tripa and this boat ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 11-4-2021. Good fishing on this list. Dypfjord still number one and was with 52,3 tons in 5 trips. Wikery Senior 85,3 ton sin 6. Storvig 76,2 tons in 5. Skomværfisk 79,2 tons in 6 trips. Astrid 59,2 tons in 4 trips. and in the bottom are the shrimps boats. Skarholm ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 11-2-2021. Good fishing on this list and 2 boats did fish over 100 tons on this list. Ben  Hur was with 124 tons in 5 trips and is now number 3. Norbanken was with 100 ton sin 4 trips and with that went over 1000 tons. Arvikssand 78,8 tons in 7. Bakke JR 44,1 tons in ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 11-1-2021. Pretty good fishing on this list.  . Havbara with the most 65,7 tons in 6 trips. Tommy juniot 44,8 tons in 5 trips. Kjell Senior 40,8 ton sin 5. Björntind 18,5 tons in 4. Krogh Senior 11,6 tons in 2. Börhella 18,8 tons in 3. Kjell Senior Pic Olaf Bernsten.

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 10-31-2021. Now have 3 boats on this list fish over 1000 tons,. And the fishing on this list was good,. Hauge Junior was with 119,2 tons in 5 trips. Ragnhild kristine 100,4 tons in 5 . Föniks 76 ton sin 5. SElma Dröfn 47 tons in 4. Ingvaldson 44 tons in 4. Brattholm ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 10-30-2021. Mjasund with great year.  now the boat was with 34,4 tons in 10 trips and has fish over 1300 tons. Kvitholmen 34,8 tons in 7. Hendanes 10,8 tons in 5. and now have 4 boats fish over 500 tons. Hetleviking  7,4 tons in 3. Jakob 17,4 tons in 3 . Nesheim 16,8 ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 10-28-2021. now have 3 boats fish over 130 tons,m. And Pecten Harvester was with 10,9 ton sin 5 trips, and is now number 2. Viljar 1,5 tons in 3. Svana 2,6 tn in 5. Fidel 3,9 tons in 4. Bella Marina 1,7 ton sin 4. Randöyjenta 1,5 tons in 3. Randöyjenta Pic Rune ...

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 10-26-2021. Now have 2 boats fish over 500 tons, and it looks like that ludvik that has been in seat number 1. that maybe Myreng Fisk will get to him, now Myreng Fisk was with 33,4 ton sin 3 trips. Norliner 37,1 tons in 7 trips, and both of this boats are fishing with ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 10-26-2021. Now have 3 boats on this list fish over 100 tons,. and 5 more have fish over 90 tons, so it looks like there will be more boats on this list that will fish over 100 tons. Örnholmen was with 4,5 tons in 6. Emil ST 4,1 tons in 5. Malogutt 4,4 tons in 6 and ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway

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List number 5. from 1-1-2021 to 10-26-2021. 2 boats have now fish over 90 tons,. Husöygutt still number 1 and was with 7,5 tons in 6 trips. Skagen 1,7 tons in 3. Fjörd Donning 2,1 tons in 5. Calypso 5,7 tons in 6 trips. Öynes 2,3 ton sin 5. Junita 1,7 tons in 3 and jumps up  7 seats. Asgutt 2,2 tons ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway

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List number 5. From 1-1-2021 to 10-24-2021. Talyn with 1,3 tons in 4 trips. maria Helen 4,1 tons in 4 trips and this boat is fishing with net,  but did not find any pic of this boat. Havfisk 2,2 tons in 5. Edgar 1,3 tons in 34. Ajax 2,3 tons in 3. Krissfjordfisk 928 kilos in 3 trips. Mercedes 515 ...

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 5. from 1-1-2021 to 10-22-2021. 2 boats on this list have been in more than 100 trips. Fjordfangst has been in 163 trips and this is probably the highest trips of any boat in Norway.   . The boat was with now 1,4 tons in 7 trips. Örna 2,1 tons in 6. Vagagutt 1,9 ton sin 5. Maskot 3,5 ...

3 Trawlers with 32,000 tons.

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The latest list of freezer trawlers for trawlers in Iceland has now been released and in that can been see that one trawler in . Iceland has fish over 10.000 tons. That is Sólberg ÓF . If you look at the trawlers in Norway, the Faroe Islands and Iceland, the situation is such that in total in these ...

Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 19

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List number 19. from 1-1-2021 to 10-19-2021. now have 9 trawlers fish over 9000 tons. Hermes came with 425 tons in 1 and with that has now fish over 9000 tons,. Vesttind 408 tons in 1. Ishavet 378 tons in 1. Magne Arvesen 908 tons in 1. Nordtind 188 tons in 2. Tönsnes 482 tons in 2. J.Bergvoll 233 ...

Bigboats in Norway year 2021, nr.16

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List number 16. From 1,-1-2021 to 10-18-2021. Now have 2 boats on this list fish over 4000 tons,. Atlantic with 375 tons in 1 trip. Loran 481 tons in 1. Rolf Asbjorn 471 tons in 2 trips. Nesejenta 112 tons in 6 trips. Rolf  Asbjörn  Pic Peter Porter.

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in

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List number 3. From 1-1-2021 to 10-17-2021. Not many boats that did come with fish on this list. but Kvalnes came with 106 tons in one trip on seine. Björnhaun 32,2 tons in 2 on net. Trio 22,5 tons in 3 trips on seine. Caprice 2,7 tons in 3 of shrimp. Bris 4,3 tons in 3 also shrimp. Eigenes 2,5 tons ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in

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List number 4. From 1-1-2021 to 10-17-2021. Good fishing on this list,. Dypfjord with 61,4 tons in 3 trips. Ballstadværing 119 tons in 5 trips and is getting closer to top 2 boats. Wiker Senior 69,8 tons in 3 trips. Storvig 29,1 ton sin 2. Skomværfisk 53,5 tons in 3 trips. Astrid 29,3 tons in 3. ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in

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List number 4. from 1-1-2021 to 10-15-2021. There are more boat that have started to fish now after being stop for some time. like Norbanken that landed 38 tons in 2 trips on line. but on the top Andöyfisk 19,3 tons in 5 trips. Risvik 42,6 tons in 4 trips. Grotle 84,6 tons in 1 trip and with that is ...

Lundey SK ekki sá eini á netum

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Í gær var skrifuð frétt hérna á aflafrettir þess efnis um að gömlu Dögg SU hafi verið breytt í netabát. og hafi fengið nafnið Lundey SK og þar var skrifað að báturinn væri fyrsti cleopatra 38 báturinn sem væri að fara á netin,+. Sú lína vakti ansi mikla athygli og komu margar ábendingar um að það ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway

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List number 4. from 1-1-2021 to 10-15-2021. Not many boats did come with fish on this list. Havbara 1,4 tons in 1. Tommy Junior 22,7 tons in 2 trips, and this is the first fishing for this boat since may 2021. Björntind 17,4 tons in 2 trips. Tommy Junior PIc Frode Adolfsen.

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway

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List number 4. From 1-1-2021 to 10-14-2021. Pretty good fishing on this list. 15 boats have fish over 600 tons,. Hauge junior 61,1 tons in 2 trips. Ragnhild Kristine 53,3 tons in 3. Fönikxs 88,3 tons in 5 trips and is now only 7 tons away from 1000 tons,. ingvaldson 59,1 tons in 5. T.A Senior 59,8 ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway

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List number 1. from 1-1-2021 to 10-14-2021. Now  have 3 boats on this list fish over 500 tons. but Mjasund with 72,9 tons in 10 trips and has now fish 689 tons more than the boat in seat number 2. Hendanes 35,4 tons in 9. H.Larsen 47,4 tons in 3 trips. Vassana 13,7 tons in 2. Havrand 2,7 tons in 3 ...

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 4. from 1-1-2021 to 10-13-2021. Now on this list 4 boats have fish over 120 tons,. Pecten Harvester was with 10,8 tons in 5 trips and the boat is fishing kamskjell. Viljar is  a new boat on the list and on the boat is just one man, . 129 tons on Viljar with just one man is pretty good. ...

Boats from 9 to 10.99 m in

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List number 4. From 1-1-2021 to 10-13-2021. Ludvik and Myreng Fisk did now fish anything on this list. Bur Fröya was with 12,2 tons in 2 trips and has now fish over 300 tons. Norliner 13,2 tons in 2 trips. Elnesfisk 13,4 tons in 6. Birgitte 10 tons in 6 trips. Sörhav 7,2 tons in 8 trips. Einvikbuen ...

Boats from 8 to 9 meters in Norway

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List number 4. From 1-1-2021 to 10-12-2021. Now have 2 boats fish over 100 tons on this list. and it looks like at least 4 to 6 boats will fish over 100 tons before the end of this year 2021. Örnholmen was with 3,8 tons in 4. Emil 3,7 tons in 4 and has now fish over 100 tons,. Janbu 5,4 tons in 4. ...

Boats from 7 to 8 meters in Norway

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List number 4. from 1-1-2021 to 10-12-2021. Now have 5 boats on this list fish over 50 tons,. and Husöygutt was with 8,1 tons in 5 trips and has now fish over 120 tons. . Skagen 2,3 tons in 4. Calypso 5,9 tons in 6 trips. Helene 6,4 tons in 5 trips. Öynes 2,2 tons in 5. Marfjell 2,3 tons in 6 trips. ...

Boats from 6 to 7 meters in Norway

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Listi númer 4. from 1-1-2021 to 10-11-2021. Now we have new boat in seat number 1 and also new boat in seat number 2. Taylin 4,7 tons in 8 trips and is now number 1. *Maria Helen 4,7 tons in 3 trips. Skagen 1,3 tons in 4 trips. Knausen 1,1 tons in 3 trips. Jörn Andre 3,3 tons in 6 trips. Ajax 4,1 ...

Boats up to 6 meters in

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List number 4. From 1-1-2021 to 10-10-2021. Örna has started fishing again and was with 4,1 tons in 8 trips. Vagagutt 4,1 ton sin 8 trips. Fjordfangst 995 kilos in 9 trips. Statsnail 1 2,1 tons in 3. Söröya 1,7 tons in 5. Loppa 2,6 tons in 5. Diana 2,1 tons in 5. most all of this boats are fishing ...

Boats from 28m to 35 m in Norway

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List number 1. From 1-1-2021 to 10-9-2021. This is new list and here are many boats that are also fishing herring and mackerel. but like on the other lists we take herring and macekrel off.    . Slettholmen is number one here on this list, and he has also fish most, of total of 6200 tons. ...

Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in

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List number 2. from 1-1-2021 to 10-9-2021. now have 5 boats on this list fish over 2000 tons,. H Nilsen with 30,8 tons in 5. Fru Holmen 51,9 ton sin 1. Kvalnes 44,7 tons in 1. Osvaldson 101 tons in 4 trips. Stormhav 88,5 tons in 1  on autoline. Fortune 53,1 tons in 3. Nordsö 66,3 tons in 4. Ida ...

Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in

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List number 3.  from 1,1,2021 to 10,8,2021. Here on this list we have 7 boats that have fish over 1000 tons,. and we have now new boat on the top. Hellskjær was number 1, but he did not fish anything on this list. but Dypfjord was with 63,2 ton sin 6 trips and went now on the top. Ballstadværing 123 ...

Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in

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List number  3. From 1,1,2021 to 10,8,2021. Now have 4 boats on this list fish over 1000 tons,. Andöyfisk was with 30,1 tons in 7 trips and has now fish over 1300 tons,. Ben Hur 120 tons in 7 trips. Börnes 45,1 ton sin 2. Bakke jr 35,8 tons in 3. Hallvardson 55 ton sin 5 trips. Josberg 52,5 tons in ...

Trawlers in Norway , year 2021. list nr 18

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List number 18. From 1,1,2021 to 10,7,2021. Now have 2 trawlers in Norway fish over 10.000 tons, and in total of 8 trawlers have fish over 9000 tons,. Havstrand 483 tons in 1. Atlantic Viking 1146 tons in 1. Kagtind II 1236 tons in 2. SEnja 1373 tons in 1. J.Bergvoll 433 tons in 5. Magne Arvesen ...

Pelagic ship in the Faroe

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List number 6. from 1,1,2021 to 10,6,2021. Most of the pelagic ship in The Faroe Islands are now fishing mackerel and have fish total of 87,000 tons,. 2 ships have fish over 30 .000 tons,. On this list Fagraberg 6340 in 3 triups. Norðborg 9477 tons in 5 trips. Götunes 7055 ton sin 5. Högaberg 8684 ...

Norsk pelagic ship over 50

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List number 15, . from 1,1,2021 to 10,6,2021. most of the ships are now fishing mackerel and in total the ships have landed 161,000 tons,. in total the ships have landed 752,000 tons. and 3 ships have landed over 20.000 tons and 38 have landed over 10.000 tons,.  . *And vikingbank has now change  ...

Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway

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List number 3. From 1,1,2021 to 10,4,2021. Sara Karin with 77,3 tons in 1 trips and has now fish almost 2100 tons,. As can been seen Sara karin has fish much more that then boat in seat number2. Ole Elvan was with 32,6 tons in 6. Mea 42,4 tons in 7 and all of these 3 boats are fishing with seine. ...

Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway

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List number 3. From 1,1,2021 to 9-30-2021. now have 3 boats on this list fish over 900 tons,. Hauge junior with 2,9 tons in 1. Ragnhild Kristine 60 tons in 4 trips. Föniks 42 tons in 3. Selma Dröfn 48 tons in 3 trips. Brattholmen 38 ton sin 4. Einar 33 ton sin 5. Leon Olai 47 tons in 5 . Star viking ...

Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway

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List number 3. From 1,1,2021 to 9,30-2021. Mjasund with 48,4 tons in 9 trips and is stuck in seat number 1, now has fish over 1200 tons,. Hendanes 37 tons in 8 trips. H.Larsen 81 tons in 3 trips, most of saithe, ore sei in norsk. Buröyværing 37 tons in 7. H.Larsen Pic Alessandro Bottega.

Boats from 11 to 12 m in

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List number 3. from 1,1,2021to  9,30-2021. Gerd has nothing fish since 15.mai.  but is still number 1,. Fromar 8,1 tons in 4 trips. Pectan Harvester 12,6 tons in 6. this boat is fishing Kamskjell like it is in Norsk. Svana 7,4 tons in 4 trips, and this boat is 75 years old. Rosa Jade 5,4 tonsin 7 ...