First fishing trip for Cuxhaven NC-100

Here on Aflafrettir have been news about fishing of trawlers that are in own of companys that Samherji in Akureyri in ICeland owns. That is news about . fishing of Kirkella. , and . fishing of Norma Mary. . Samherji bought in the year 1998 . Deutsche Fischfang Union (DFFU) and now in this summer ...
Holmöy with almost 1300 tonn

In Norway there are many newely trawlers and one of them is Holmöy. Holmöy is in the group with the newest trawler in Norway and was built in the year 2016. Holmöy was build 2016 and is 69,7 meters long and has 7300 horsepower engine,. The trawler came to Myre that is in North Norway some days ago ...
Norsk Trawlers 2017
1800 tonns in just 19 days. Norma Mary from Hull
98 tonns in 5 trips

Readers of Aflafrettir have been in contact with Aflafrettir and letting the page know about many things, like fishing and sending pictures. yet their efficiency is not limited to Icelandic readers, no because Norwegian readers and fishermen have also contacted and informed about various,. one of ...
Norsk 15 meters boat in agust
4200 tonns in 2 weeks from 3 boats

It is often fun to go through the Norwegian fishery. You will always find some goodies,. And here's one thing that's pretty special,. There is not one boat covered by it, but three,. All these boats are not able to fish yet they are reaching Tare and land him not in a port, but in a ship called Bona ...
Icelandic pelagic ships 2017

List number 12. Now on this list all the icelandic ships have been fishing macrele and fishing is realy good,. Venus NS was with 7325 tonns in 9 trips. BörkurNK 5202 tonns in 8 . Víkingur AK 6102 tonns in 8 trips. Beitir NK 5436 tonns in 8. Boats from the town of Hornafjorður where fishing well. ...
Foreign ships in Iceland year 2017
Norsk Pelagic ships year 2017

List number 12. Very little about being in Norway now. The catch of the boats in this list was only 5,000 tonnes. And almost all of this 5000 tonns was herring. Gerda Marie is 851 tons. Talbor 1047 tonnes and he was the most successful in this list. Viking bank 265 tons. Haugagut 519 tons. Storeknot ...