Norsk 15 meters boat in November

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List number 2. A lot going on now in Norway on this list,. Aldís Lind with 27,2 tonn in 2 trips and is now number 1,. but Stormfuglen came with huge load.  33,5 tonn in one trip. Ingvaldson 14,7 tonn in one trip. Inga Hafdís 12 tonn in 3. Kamöyfjord  12 tonní 3. Austhavet 14,4 tonní 2. SAga K 12 ...

Longliner in

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List number 2,. Not so much going on.  Tómas Þorvaldsson GK with 52 tonns in one trip. Hörður Björnsson ÞH 47 tonn in 1. VAldimar GK 45 tonn in 1. In Norway all the 3 boats came with fish,. Valdimar H 38 tonn. Inger Viktoria 25 tonn. Delfin 66 tonn  all in one trip. Hörður BJörnsson ÞH Pic Heimir ...

Biggest fishing ship in Ireland

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Aflafrettir is always finding new things to write about. came across the ship register over all boats and ships in Ireland and it is quite remarkable to compare it to Iceland,. in Iceland there are about 1,500 to 1700 boats still registered in Ireland last year, 1997 boats were on record,. Despite ...

Longliners in

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List number 1. Not so many boats in Iceland that have come with fish.  but Anna EA came with full load 133 tons in one trip. Anna EA was bought from Norway some years ago,. In Norway are only 2 boats have come with fish.  Valdimar H and Inger Viktoria.

Norsk 15 meters boat in november

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List number 1,. Lets start this list in november,. Good starting for Aldis Lind and Ingvaldson, both the boats with over 15 tonns in one trip, and Ingvaldson with 15,7 tonn in one trip.  . New bat in seat number 3.  Inga Hafdís.  This boats had the name Hafdis before and is in own of icelandic ...

15 metars boats in list

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List number 7. Final list,. So this is how it went,  only 3 boats that made it over 100 tonns.  . Aldís Lind came with 9,2 tonn in one trip on this final list and went with that over 100 tonns,. Akom was the higest one. Akom .

Longliners in Október. final list

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List number 7. Final list in október,. Huge month for 2 of the biggest longliners in ICeland.  . Jóhanna Gísladóttir GK came with full load of 156 tonns in one trip and went over 600 tonns  in október,. Páll Jónsson GK came with 115 tonn in one trip and went close to 590 tonns in október,. On this ...

Boat number one in Ireland

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Iceland compare to Ireland is a big fishing nation.   in the year 2015 total of 1,3 million tonns where landed in Iceland of fish.  and in Ireland there was only 235 thousand tonns landed. That is not so much fishing per boat.  because in Ireland there is 1997 boats in total of all sise.    In ...

Icelandic pelagic ship 2017

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List number 16. VEnus NS with 3518 tonns in 4 trips, and is only 71 tonn from 50000 tonns this year,. Víkingur AK 3165 tonns in 3. Börkur NK 2587 tonn in 3. Beitir NK 2373 tonn in 2. Aðalsteinn Jónsson SU 3351 tonni  4 and all of this ships where fishing herring,. Jón Kjartansson SU 3283 tonn in 4 . ...

Norsk 15 meters boats in okt

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List number 6. Good fishing on this list and Ingvaldson is fishing realy well on this list and was with 33 tonns in just 2 trips.  and is getting close to the boats on the top 3. Akom 15,8 tonn in 1. Olafur 7,1 tonn in 1. Isbjorn 9,6 tonn in 2. Öyliner 10,8 tonn in 2. Husöværing 4,5 tonn in 1. And ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List number 15. A lot of ships come with fish now on this list.  most of it was herring.  . Akeröy with 1692 tonns . Österbrus 1572 tonn. Birkeland 1837 tonn. Talbor 2063 tonn,     There where some ships that came with more than 2000 tonns on this list. Storeknut 1872 tonn. Rogne 2048 tonn. Hargun ...

Irish boat Felucca SO-108

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Now when this is written the newest fishing trawler in Iceland is sailing past Ireland and not far from that trawler that name in BJörg EA 7, is a boat from Ireland that name is Felucca SO-108. just take a look at him,. This boat was constructed in 1995 and is 58 meters long and 10 meters wide. The ...

Lineboats in

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List number 6. Many boats on this list with full load and even in norway and also in Iceland,. in Iceland Jóhanna Gísladóttir GK came with huge fishing with 152 tonns in one trip. Anna EA that was in Norway came with 108 tonn. Tjaldur SH 95 tonns. Páll Jónsson GK 109 tonns. Núpur BA 60 tonns. ...

netboat Kamöyfjord F-175-NK

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I have told you dear readers that Aflafrettir has the best readers available. you have been diligent to hear me about the other and this and if I have missed pictures of boats they have come. It is certain that Aflafrettir not only has good readers in Iceland. Norwegians and English are also a huge ...

Norsk 15 meters boat in okt

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List number 4. Good fishing on this list. Akom with 24,4 tonns and is the only one that is over 100 tonns,. SAga K 14,7 tonns in 1. Aldís Lind 29,3 tonn in 2. Ingvaldson 27 tonns in 2 trips. Kamöyfjord 15,8 tonns in 5 trips.    but there is NO pictures of the boat.  maybe you dear reader know of a ...

Norsk trawlers year 2017

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List number 21. Gadus Njord with 340 tonn in one trip,. Vesttind 635 tonn in one trip. Doggi 300 tonns in 3 trips.  Doggi is fishing fish in ice.  and not freeze the fish. Arctic Swan 438 tonn in one trip. Nordöytral 574 tonn in one trip. and p.s if you see adverstiment on the english version of ...

One Click per day...

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Hello dear readers. as you know this page is from Iceland and there is only one men how write everything on it.   thats me Gísli Reynisson.  . there are many readers that read aflafrettir page, even if the page is in icelandic.  . the english version of Aflafrettir name is ...

Little fishing from Hull trawler Norma Mary

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Here on Aflafrettir was a news about huge fishing for trawler Norma Mary that is from Hull í Uk, when then trawler was fishing in Greenland  in summer and the the fishing was up to 130 tonns per day. Here you can read the news about that fishing. After this huge fishing the trawler went to Norway ...

Lineboats in

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List number 5. Now all of the boats from Norway on this list came with fish,. Delfin came with 36 tonns. Inger Viktoria 29,3 tonns. and Valdimar H 37 tonns,. but the icelandic boats are fishing well. Fjölnir GK 101 tonn in one trip. Jóhanna Gísladóttir GK 113 tonns in one trip. Anna EA 90 tonns in ...

Norsk 15 meters boats in okt

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List number 3. Good fishing in Norway. Akom with 37,1 tonn in 3 trips and went on the top. Saga K with 24 tonn in 2. Aldis Lind 25 tonn in 2. Elli Ketils is fishing well.  and was with 18,2 tonn in 6 trips. Stormfuglen 14,3 tonn in 3. Vardöyjenta 11,3 tonn in 2. Aksel B 11,5 tonn in 1. Akom Before ...

Lineboats in

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List number 4. Of the boats from Norway Delfin came with 54 tonn in one trip. and Inger Viktoria 27 tonn in 1. But  they are realy low on the list compare to the icelandic boats. Páll Jónsson GK was with 92 tonn in one trip. Hrafn GK 111 tonn in 2 trips. Tjaldur SH 76 tonn in 1. Anna EA 96 tonn in ...

Norsk pelagic ship .2017

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List number 14. Total of 59000 tonns came from the norsk ships on this list.  most of them where fishing mackerel. now 2 ships are over 30000 tonns,. Hardhaus was with most fish on this list. total of 2742 tonns,. Smaragd came number 2 with 2482 tonn,. Kingsbay 2353 tonn,. Liafjord  2140 tonn,. ...

Icelandic pelagic ships 2017

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List number 14. All of the Icelandic Pelagic ship have stop fishing macrele and are now fishing herring.  . 4 ships are over 40000 tonns. newest ship on this list is Guðrún Þorkelsdóttir SU that is from company Eskja that in ini Eskifjörður ,. Eskja has also two other ships on this list,. Jón ...

Lineboats in

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List number 3. Here on this list are now 3 boats from Norway,. Inger Viktoria . Valdimar H and he was with 47,3 tonn in one trip. and the new boat Delfin 202-BD. on the icelandic side.  FJölnir GK came with 106 tonn in one trip,. Jóhanna Gísladóttir GK with 100 tonn in one trip,. Rifsnes SH 83 tonn ...

Almost 1700 tonns from Russians trawlers

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It is always just a little fun to take a look to Norway and see what ships and trawlers are coming there with fish. in Tromsö are many freezer trawlers from Russia that come with with, and here are two big trawlers that came to Tromsö with full load og greenland halibut.  ( ore blakveite as it is in ...

Lineboats in

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List number 2. Here is the list of the icelandic longline boats and on this list are 2 boats from Norway.  Valdimar H and Inger Viktoria.  . On this list Inger Viktoria was with 29,2 tonn in one trip.  but Valdimar H with nothing,. Páll Jónsson GK was with 76 tonn in one trip,. Anna EA 100 tonn in ...

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 2. Good fishing now in Norway. Saga K with 32,7 tonn in 2 trips, and of that 17,6 tonn in one trip. Akom 17,7 tonn in 1. Polarstjerna 26,8 tonn in one trip . Aldís Lind 16,8 tonn in 1. Bolga 12,4 tonn in 4. Olafur 8,4 tonn in 2. Saga K pic unknown.

Norsk trawlers. number 20

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List number 20. Gadus Neptun came with 907 tonn in one trip and with that went on the top of the list. Gadus Njord 795 tonn in one trip. Sunderöy 793 tonn in 1. Rypefjord 183 tonn in 1. Doggi 192 tonn in 1. Langöy 833 tonn in one trip and of that was 430 tonns of cod. two trawlers came with full ...

Lineboats in

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List number 1. This list is mainly about boats from Iceland. But on this list is also two boats from Norway,. Inger Viktora . and Valdimar H. there 2 boats will have small fight between them and also will be interersting to see how they do compare to the boats from Iceland. Inger Viktora pic pal ...

Norsk 15 meters boat in okt

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List number 1,. Lets start this list in oktber in norway,. in the first 3 seats we have lineboats what have often fight in the seat number one.  Akom.  Saga K.  and Aldis Lind,. after that 2 seine boats,. Elli Ketils starts well. Elli Ketils Pic Þorleifur Jóhannsson.

Norsk 15 meters boat in sept

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List number 3. Final list. Polarstjerna with 4,3 tonn in one trip and ended number 1. Akom 18,1 tonn in 1. olafur 13,3 tonn in  2. Kamöyfjord 8,9 tonn in 3. Stormfuglen 11,7 tonn in 2. Saga K 6,4 tonn in 1. Polarstjerna Pic Frode Adolfsen.

HUGE month for Björgvin EA in Iceland

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In Iceland this september was realy good fishing for the ice fish trawlers . many trawlers where fishing up to 60 tonns per one day.  and the trawlers from Dalvík and Akureyri came with total of 3356 tonns in land.  most of that was cod. 3356 tonns from 4 trawlers.  Kaldbakur EA.  Hjalteyrin EA. ...

Full load for Atlantic Viking M-68-G

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Always good to look at some fishing number in Norway. In Norway there is the freezer trawler Atlantic Viking M-68-G.  the trawler was built 2013 and is 74,7 meters long and 15,7 meters wide.  in the ship is a 5800 hp engine.  trawler is in the own of Giske Havfiske As that is in Alesund,. The ...

Fight of the century

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It appears that Aflafrettir reported  last week that Samherji would sell Baldvin from its fleet. Baldvin had the name  Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA for a long time. and in a news yesterday, it was said verbatim by Samherji's website,. Baldvin Thorsteinsson EA was a very successful fishing vessel and its ...

Norsk Pelagic ships year 2017

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List numer 19. Now most all ships in Norway are fishing mackerel and total of landings of this list was 76000 tonns. It is realy much surprice that the ship that was the higest one on this list was a ship that is realy low on the list.  . Svanauk Elise  that is in seat number 56.  was with 2605 ...

Norsk Trawlers 2017

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List number 19. all the ship in the seat 1 to 4 did not come with any fish in this list,. Tonsnes came with 424 tonn in one trips. Doggi 137 tonn in 1. Kasfjord 151 tonn in 2. Arctic Swan that has usually been fishing shrimp was with now 877 tonns in one trip most of that was cod around 512 tonns,. ...

Norsk 15 meters boat in sept.

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List number 2,. Since that is some time aflafrettir was calculate this list and because in Norway fishing number is only for 14 days there can be some missing fishing number on the boats,. but the fishing on this list was good,. Akom was with 48 tonn in 4. Kamöyfjord 20 tonn in 9 and is fishing in ...

Kirkella from Hull again with huge fishing

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Here on Aflafrettir was news for about 1 month ago about freezer trawler Kirkella that is from Hull in UK, and in own in some part by Samherji in Iceland about huge fishing from the trawlers,. Here you can read the old news about Kirkella . Now Kirkella has come back to tromsö in Norway and now also ...

First fishing trip for Cuxhaven NC-100

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Here on Aflafrettir have been news about fishing of trawlers that are in own of companys that Samherji in Akureyri in ICeland owns.  That is news about . fishing of Kirkella.  , and . fishing of Norma Mary. . Samherji bought in the year 1998 . Deutsche Fischfang Union (DFFU) and now in this summer ...

Holmöy with almost 1300 tonn

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In Norway there are many newely trawlers and one of them is Holmöy.  Holmöy is in the group with the newest trawler in Norway and was built in the year 2016. Holmöy was build 2016 and is 69,7 meters long and has 7300 horsepower engine,. The trawler came to Myre that is in North Norway some days ago ...