15 tons boat in huge fishing last days of 2017

Gylfi is a captain of the boat Tryggvi Eðvarðs SH from Rif in Snæfellsnes in Iceland. Gylfi is only 27 years old and he and him and the crew of the boat Tryggvi Eðvarðs SH has been fishing relay well now in the autumn . They ended up very well in 2017. because on the 29 desember they came twice to ...
First herring landing in Norway year 2018
Pelagic ships in The Faroe Islands.2017
Freezer trawlers in the Faroe Islands. 2017
Icefish trawlers in the Faroe Islands
Norma Mary from Hull in huge fishing

December is not a big month for the fishing of the trawlers, because most of the big trawlers stop fishing just before Christmas,. In Norway, there was rely good fishing of cod now in December even if December is short month. for example, Gadus Neptune was 778 tonnes in 3 trips and Havtind with 777 ...
Norsk trawlers 2017.nr.26

Norsk trawlers. List number 26. Now almost all the ships in Norway are stop over the holidays. but on this list many trawlers came with fish. Gadus Neptun came with 274 tons of icefisk. Gadus Njord 491 tons and with that went over 10.000 tons. Tönsnes 255 tons. Atlantis Star 945 tons in one trip. ...
Norsk 15 meters boats in des.nr.4

List number 4. Skreigrunn with 41,8 tons in 4 trips. and as seen on the list. the boat is the only one over 100 tons. Saga K 33 tons in 2 trips. Holmen 21 tons in 5. Akom 21,6 tons in 2. Senjahav 18,3 tons in 4 trips. Isbjorn 13,5 tons in 2 and 10,6 tons in one trip,. And dont forget to click on ...
The Faroe Islands are now on Aflafrettir.com

Here on Aflafrettir.is and Aflafrettir.com last 10 years have been watching fishing in Iceland, and 4 years ago Aflafrettir started to watch fishing in Norway. Many readers have been asking about the Faroe Islands, if aflafrettir can have them also on the page. And now i can say that this wishes ...
Norsk pelagic ship 2017.nr.20

List number 20. Realy few ships in Norway that come with fish on this list. total just 11723 tons . Christina E came with most 2207 tons of herring in 4 trips,. Manon 783 tons of herring. Vikingbank 926 tons. Norderveg 1492 tons. Vestviking 846 tons. Röttingöy 1162 tons. Havskjer 1319 tons. Indrig ...
Icelandic pelagic ship 2017

List number 19. As seen on the list now 3 ships in Iceland are over 53000 tons and it is realy little difference between them. now they are fishing Blue whiting. . Víkingur AK came with 2392 tons and with that went on the top of the and is now that fishing ship in Iceland that has fish the most of ...
Autoliners in des.nr.3
Huge fishing for Havtind. over 80 tons per day

Now in December there has been a very good fishing in Norway, and it can be said that fishing has been huge, like for the trawlers. One of those who have been fishing well in December is Havtind N-10-H. Havtind is usually coming with frozen catch yet now he is fishing in Ice. Havtind is almost 60 ...
Norsk trawlers year 2017
Norsk 15 meters boat in des.nr.3

List number 3,. now 3 boats have left the other boats on the list. Skreigrunn that was with 39,8 tons in 4 trips, and is on gilnet. Turbo what was with 35,6 tons in 2 trips and most 19,8 tons in one trip. And Ingvaldson what was with 33 tons in 2 trips. and is fishing with line,. Akom and Saga K ...
Brand new Longliner to Iceland year 2019
New longliner to Iceland

In Iceland there are about 20 boats that fish with longline. up to 45.000 hooks in the ship. Most all of them are boats that where build in the years 1960 to 1970. first that boats where fishing capelin and herring , but later on where change to longliners . only 2 boats in Iceland where specally ...
Norsk pelagic ship .2017
Icelandic pelagic ship 2017
Norsk 15 meters boat in des.nr.2

List number 2,. Big fishing in Norway on this list,. Skreigrunn with 41 tons in 4 trips,. and the 60 year old boat Turbo with 36 tons in 2 trips. and most 19,2 tons in one trip. Invaldson 33 tons in 2 trips. Akom came with full load 20,3 tons in one trip. Saga K 23 tons in 2 trips. Ny-Trofast 13,3 ...
Trawlers in des.nr.2
Norsk trawlers 2017.nr.24
7 new small trawlers to Iceland

Renewal of the fishing fleet in Iceland is going on and recently a construction contract was signed by four companies at the Norwegian shipbuilding station VARD in Norway. A total of 7 similar small trawlers will be constructed, all of which are about 29 meters long, which means that they can fish ...
Norsk pelagic ship .2017
New troll makes big difference in fishing
Komarno MK-188 from Russia in Norway

In Norway there are quite a lot of fishing vessels that come to Norway with fish. . These ships are from many nations, because in addition to Norwegian ships themselves, Norwegian ships come from Iceland. Denmark and Russia for landing for exsample. Most Russian ships coming to Norway are trawlers. ...
Norsk 15 meters boat in nov.nr.5

List number 5. Fight is going on. on this list Ingvaldson was with 9,9 tons in one trip, and Aldís Lind 12,5 tons in one trip. and Ingvaldson is still number one, but not so much difference between Ingvaldson and Aldís Lind. Stormfuglen with 14,7 tons in one triop. Kamöyfjord 8,6 tons in one trip. ...
Holmen new boat on the 15 meters list
Longliners in nov.nr.5

List number 5. Anna EA with 101 tons in one trip and now is more than 100 tons more than the boat in seat number 2,. Tómas Þorvaldsson GK 62 tons in 1. Örvar SH 92 tons in 1. Páll Jónsson GK 108 tons in 1. and in Norway. Valdimar H came with full load, 60 tons in one trip. Inge Viktoria 22 tons in ...
Norsk 15 meters boat in november

List number 4. Good fishing on this list. . Aldis lind that was on the top has gone gown to seat number 2. Now Aldis Lind was with 14,7 tons in one trip. but Ingvaldson was with 22,7 tons in 2 trips and with that went on the top. Kamöyfjord that is fishing in net did well and was with 28,5 6 tons ...
Longliners in nov.nr.4
Norsk trawlers 2017.nr.23

List number 23. Gadus Neptun came with 505 tons in one trip after 12 days at sea. now the trawler is close to 11.000 tons this year. Gadus Njord came with 823 tons in one trip. Havtind 428 tons in one trip. Kasfjord 125 tons in one trip of icefish. Atlantic Star 1157 tons in one trip. Atlantic Star ...
Norsk 15 meters boat in November
Norsk pelagic ship .2017
Norsk trawlers year 2017.nr.22

List number 22. many ships on this list come with fish. Prestfjord came with most 869 tonns. but Gadus Neptun came with 651 tons and with that total fishing for the trawler this year 2017 went over ten thousands tons. . In ICeland there is also one trawler that have fish over ten thousands tons, ...
Big fire in netboat Sólrún EA

In Iceland the biggest town outside Reykjavik is Akureyri, there lives about 24000 people. close to Akureyri is a much smaller town name Árskógssandur and there live about 250 people,. In that town is a company that was formed 1973 and name is Sólrún hf. since 1973 the company has own many boats, ...
Icelandic trawler in trouble in Norway

The freezer trawler Örfirsey RE from Iceland, went to the north of Barnetsoceanfor fishing in September. they where fishing pretty well until a failure occurred in the ship's screw assembly,. The failure was serious that it could not be sail for its own power and took the oil ship Norsel, Örfirsey ...