4 Norwegian Pelagic ships in Akureyri Iceland

Now i ICeland are many Pelagic ships from Norway that have come to Iceland to fish Capelin,. and now in the biggest town in the North ICeland. Akureyri are now 4 ships from Norway,. Gísli Reynisson the owner of Aflafrettir.com is also in AKureyri and he went to the harbours and took pics of them . ...
Foreign pelagic ships.nr.5
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.5
Pelagic ships in The Faroe Islands.nr.5

List number 5. The chips in the Faroe Islands are now all most fishing Blue whitinig. Finnur Fríði came tih 2590 tons in 1 trip. Christian i Grotinu 2029 tons in 1. Borgarin 2564 tons in 1. Norðingur 1921 tons in 1. Jupiter 2071 tons in 1. Tróndur í Götu 2779 tons in 1 trio. Finnur Fríði pic Karl ...
Norsk trawlers 2018.nr.3
Huge fishing for Stamsundværing N-72-VV

It is well known through the history of fisheries both in Iceland and Norway that boats often come with considerable large landings. full load and does not matter how big the boat is. For example, in January there are two 15 tonnes of boats. Tryggvi Eðvarður SH and Dögg SU both brought over 18.7 ...
Norsk 15 meters boats in januar.nr.5

List number 5. Skreigrunn with 55,9 tons in 5 trips. and Stamsundværing was is a huge fishing 86,9 tons in only 6 trips. Ingvaldson 39,3 ton in 2 trips. Aldís Lind 23 tons in 2 trips. Akom 33 tons in 3 trips. Olafur 44 tons in 5 trips. Kolbjörn M 12 ton in 2 trips. berlevagjenta 34 tons in 2 trips. ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.4

List number 4. Still more and more boats are coming to this list. now they are 106 and have come with about 70.000 tons. most of herring. Akeröy is the only norsk ship that is fishing blue whiting and he came with 1900 tons in one trip. Magnarson 490 tons of herring in 1 trip. Lönningen 1170 tons ...
Norsk lineboats in januray. nr.4

Listi number 4. Many boats coming with fish now on this list. Hellskær that is on gilnet was with 16,8 tn in 2 trips. Arviksand 16,4 tn in one trip. Ringskjær Nord 11,5 ton in 1 trip. Korsnes 15,9 ton in one trip. Nina Mari 16,9 ton in one trip. Skomværfisk 16 tons in one trip. and we have new boat ...
Norsk lineboats in january.nr.4
Norsk 15 meters boats in januar.nr.4

List number 4. Good fishing on this list. Skriegrunn still on top and had 28.6 tons 4. Ingvaldson had a 44 tonne tonnage in just 2 rows, of which 24.4 tonnes in one landing. Aldís Lind 31 tonní 2. and a new boat Odden comes in place number 4. Saga K 28.5 tonní 2. Akom 15 tonnes 1. Stamsundværing ...
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.3

List number 3. This list is getting bigger and bigger. now the list is over 80 ships and total of the fish that these ships have landed is about 48.000 tons,. Magnarson is now on the top was with 1590 tons of herring in 2 trips. Manon 1100 tons of herring in one triop. Gardar 1150 tons on herring in ...
Korsnes F-39-BD fishing well

On Aflafrettir is now a list of the line boats in Norway that dont freeze the fish on board. on of the boat that is there is Korsnes F-39-BD. Korsnes started fishing in oktober 2017 and did relay well in november when the boat fish about 290 tons in one month. Korsnes is build 1987 of oak and is ...
Valdimar H in good fishing in Norway

Thr brothers Hrafn and Helgi Sigvaldasynir from Iceland started some years ago company name Esköy, they have had a good fishing with the boat Saga K, that was build in Iceland and is about 15 metrers long auto line boat made of plastic. Winter 2017 they bought a much bigger boat in Iceland, that ...
Norsk trawlers.2018.nr.2

List number 2. Many ships come with fish on this list. Havtind with 380 tons in one trip. J. Bergvoll 831 tons in 2 trips. Batsfjord 170 tons in one trip. Doggi 207 tons in one trip. Kasfjord 221 tons in 2 trips. and of that 117 tons in just 3 days on sea. Gadus Neptun 356 tons in 2 trips, and of ...
Lineboats in Norway nr.3

List number 3. Delfin came with 174 tons of frozen fish in one trip but he is not on the list. Valdimar H is fishing well, he was with 82,5 tons in one trip. Hellskær that is fishing on gilnet was with 31 tons in 3 trips. Arviksand 24 tons in one trip. Nina Mari 18,7 ton in one trip. Skomværfisk 18 ...
Foreign pelagic ship in Norway.nr.2
Pelagic ship in the Faroe Islands.nr.3

List number 3. More ships here on the list of the pelagic ships in the Faroe Islands. . Norðingur both with mackerel and blue whiting. . Finnur Fríði over 4000 tons. Norðingur is a new ship in the Faroe Islands and was before Ruth in Denmark. Norðingur Pic Páll Róland Petersen. Ruth now Norðingur. ...
Lineboats in Norway nr.2
Lineboats in the Faroe Islands. nr.1
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.2

List number 2. Magnarson came with 830 tons of herring in one trip. Gerda Marie 860 tons of herring in one trip. Öknesværing 200 tons of herring in one trip. Storstein 180 tons of herring in 5 trips. Öyaskjer 145 tons in 2 trips. Kristina 190 tons of herring in 4 trips. Magnarson Pic Preben micheal ...
Norsk 15 meters boat.jan.nr.2
Norsk 15+M lineboats. nr.1
Trawlers in the Faroe Islands. 2018.nr.1

Now Aflafrettir has more new things for you readers. Aflafrettir has now ALL of fishing datas in ICeland. Has almost all of the fishing datas in Norway. And now Aflafrettir has ALL of fishing datas in the Faroe Islands. On Aflafrettir now is a list of the pelgaic ships and now here is a list of the ...
Norsk Pelagic ships year 2018

List number 2. First blue whiting in Norway has now arrived. Akeröy came with 1900 tons in one trip. Liafjord 1000 tons of herring in one trip. Havdrön 725 tons of herring in one trip. Vendla 920 tons of herring in one trip. Trönderhav 225 tons in one trip. Öksnesværing 200 tons in one trip. Akeröy ...
Venus NS with the first capelin to Iceland
Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.1
Norsk 15 meter boats in jan.nr.1

List number 1. On This list are not many boats that have started fishing. bur like before Skreigrunn starts in the seat number one. and is the boat fishing in gilnet. Aldís Lind came with full load around 17 tons in one trip. Elise Kristin has started fishing in gilnet. Elise Kristin Pic Jan Inge ...
Pelagic ship Nyborg TG-773 got huge sea on the brigde

Working on fishing boats is hard and dangerous work,. The pelagic ship Nyborg TG-773 from the Faroe Islands where on the they way to fish mackerel and where sailing between the Faroe Islands and Shetland islands . when big sea came on the bridge on the ship. the sea was so powerful that is broke 2 ...
153.000 tons from 3 ships
Ruth HG-264 with full load in Norway

Mackerel fishing in Iceland has been usually limited to the period from June to September,. with Denmark and southern Norway, there has been a pretty good and great mackerel fishing right now at the beginning of this year 2018. Although Denmark is not a big fishing country, they have a pretty big ...
Korsnes F-39-BD new boat on Aflafrettir

In the end of the year 2017 aflafrettir.com ask the readers of aflafrettir if they know about more boats in Norway that fish with line. autoline and stampline. In Norway there are many big autoliners that freeze the fish on board and come with few hunders tons in one trip. There are 3 line boats ...
Icefish trawler Málmey SK in huge fishing in just 4 days

The days between christmas and new year are not many that trawlers can go to sea. . in Iceland there where not many trawlers that went out to fish, but one of them that went out was Málmey SK . Björn Jónasson is captain of Málmey SK and he went out on 26 of December. and the trawler came back to ...