Lineboats in Norway in

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List number 3. Many boats now fishing in gilnet and the fishing is good. Ringskjær nord with 97,3 tons in 5 trips and most 34,3 tons in one trip. Valdimar H 53 tons in 1. Skomværfisk 62 tons in 8. Hellskjær 98 tons in 3 trips and most 40,3 tons in one trip. Hellskjær pic .

Norsk trawlers year 2018

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List number . Now on this list Gadus Neptun was with 700 tons in one trip. Rypefjord 472 tons in one trip. And new trawler ore what ever this is  Antarctic Sea  was 2287 tons in one trip.  landed in Uruguy. Antartic Sea Pic Frank Grebstad.

Pelagic ships in the faroe

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List number 7. Only 2 ships that come with fish on this list and both of them are fishing blue whiting,. Tróndur í Götu 2431 tons in one trip. Borgarin 2289 tons in one trip. Borgarin Before Research pic magnar lyngstad.

Norsk Pelagic ships year

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List number 10. Now the norsk pelagic ship are mostly fishing capelin and blue whiting and total of 434.000 tons has come from this ships,. Akeröy still number one and was with 1900 tons in one trip and is now over 10.000 tons,. Endre Dyröy 2400 tons in one trip. Vendla 2220 tons in 2 trips. Endre ...

Lineboats in

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List numer 2. Good fishing . Ringskjær nord with 47 tons in 4 trips and of that 23 tons in one trip,. Skomværfisk 91 tons in 6 trips. Björnsvik 31 ton in 5. Senjaværing 53 ton in 3. Inger viktoria 17 ton in 1. Ringskjær Nord Pic Bjoern hansen.

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 2. Skreigrunn with 79 tons in 5. Stamsundværing 71 ton in 7. Polarstjerna 50 ton in 5. Eros 94 tons in 5 and most 23 tons in one trip. Eros Pic Remi Andreassen.

Norsk trawlers year

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List number 5. Saga Sea fishing well.  was now with 1350 tons in one trip and is now over 5000 tons,. Doggi 309 tons in one trip. Batsfjord 393 tons in 1 trip. Fortuna 115 tons in 5 trips and most 45,6 tons,. Saga Sea, Pic from facebook page saga Sea.

Pelagic ships in the faroe islands

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List number 6. Good fishing of the blue whiting from the ships here on this list.  Finnur Fríði is higest. .  and Christian i Grótinu with around 15560 tons, and all of that is blue whiting. Finnur Fríði Pic Jimmy.

Trawlers in The Faroe Islands

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List number 1. Here is a list of the icefishtrawlers in the faroe islands.  . most of the are fishing saithe and about 80% of each trawler has saithe . Fálkor and Heykur start number 1 and 2, and this is similar trawlers around 37 meters long and 10 meter wide. Heykur Pic Gunnar Olsen.

Norsk lineboats in

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List number 1. Good start from Valdimar H 140 tons in just 2 trips. Norbanken also fishing wel.  42 tons in one trip. and we have new boat on the list. Havbara N-77-Ö. Havbára pic Frode Adolfsen.

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 1. Fine starting in mars in Norway.  Stamsundværing starts number one.   Ny-trofast is now with the biggest landings.  23 tons,. Stamsundværing Pic frode Adolfsen.

Sleipnir ÁR small boat with full load

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28.february was finaly good weather and many boats that went out to sea where fisihing big. for example Kári SH that is 11 tons boat came tin 9.9 tons in one trip.  Guðrún Petrína GK that is 11 tons boat  came with 9,9 tons in one trip and later same day with 4,5 tons . But Sleipnir ÁR from ...

Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.7

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List number 7. Now many ships in Norway are fishing capelin and that fishing is doing well. now total of 356.000 have come to Norway by this ships.  . Akeröy still on top with 1775 tons in 2 trips. Gardar 3200 tons in 2 trips. Hardhaus 2240 tons in 2 tros. Kings Bay 3650 tons in 2 trips and of that ...

Huge gilnet fishing for small boat Björn EA

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Gilnet fishing in Iceland in February was relay good . the boat that was the higest was with around 490 tons . But much smaller boat from island Grímsey Björn EA did well.  Björn EA is 15 tons in size and in the middle of february the crew went out with only 40 nets. In the first trip and after only ...

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 3. Final List. Good fishing in Norway in february and the weather was good so the boats could go often to sea.  like here on this list. many boats over 20 trips. Olafur did great, he is only 15 tons boat but was with 188 tons,. Skreigrunn highest one. Skreigrunn Pic Oddvar Klausen.

Norsk longliners in

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List number 3. Final List in February. good fishing on this list . Valdimar H with 98,4 tons in 2 trips and went over 300 tons. Senjaværing that is fishing on gilnet was with 80 tons in 7 trips. Inger Viktoria 54 tons in 3. Norbanken 55 tons in 3. Korsnes 63 ton in 4. Mikkelsen 52 ton in 3. Gerhard ...

Ísbjörn H-89-O in good fishing

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The weather in Iceland in February was terrible and the small boats did not make it often to see.  . but in Norway the fishing was good. One of the boats that fished well was ÍSbjörn H-89O that Hlynur Freyr Vigfússon owns and is the captein of the boat. Last days in  February, they went very well ...

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 3. Great fishing on this list. Skreigrunn with 157 tons in 9 trips and most 32 tons. Thor Arild 50 tons in 2. Olafur 67 tons in 8. Aldis Lind 60 tons in 4. Husöyværing II 68 tonsin 9. Ingvaldson 82 ton in 4. Elise Kristin 65 ton in 8. Eros 64 toins in 9. Husöyværing II Pic Bjoern Hansen. ...

Molinergutt 15 meters long boat with full load of herring

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In Norway are many boats that fish herring, capelin and mackerel and they are not all big ones.  like over 60 meters long. quite a lot of boats are on these fishes that are under 15 meters long. one of them is Molinergutt R-20-K. This boat is 14.99 meters long. 5.9 meter wide and will be built in ...

Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.7

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List number 7. Now many pelagic ships in Norway are fishing capelin in norway.  in ICeland norsk pelagic ships have finish the quota they had in iceland of the capelin,. Also mush blue whiting fishing is going on. now the ships have landed 250.000 tons. Österbris came with 2250 tons in one trip of ...

Full load for Björgúlfur EA

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In Iceland year 2017  came 7 new trawlers.  3 of them went to HB Grandi in Reykjavík.  1.  to Sauðárkrókur, and 3 to Samherji in Akureyri,. the trawlers that went to Samherji have all room in the fish cargo for more than 200 tons of fish,. Björgúlfur EA is 58,5 meters long and he came with his first ...

Big fishing for Doggi F-17-H

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Trawlers in Norway have been fishing relay well now this year and in February  they have been with up to 50 til 60 tons per day.  . One of the trawlers who have fished well is Doggi F-17-H. This trawler is 39.8 meters long and 10.5 meters wide. built in 2001 and has a 2,500 horsepower engine on ...

Norsk lineboats in

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List number 3. Huge fishing on this list for the boats,. Valdimar H with 73 tons in one trip. Senjaværing 80,5 tons in 4 on gilnet. Inger Viktoria 97 tons in 3 trios. Norbanken 76 tons in 2. Nina Mari 94 tons in 5 on gilnet. Korsnes 61 tons in 3. Mikkelsen 59 tons in 3. Reinboen 35 tons in 3. ...

Norsk trawlers year

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List number 4. Trawlers in Norway in huge fishing . Saga Sea with 1319 tons in one trip. Hermes 590 tons in one trip. Gadus Njord 603 tons after 11 days of fishing. Gadus Neptun  812 tons after 812 tons after 15 days of fishing ore 54 tons per day. Prestfjord 969 tons after 25 days of fishing. Doggi ...

Gullhólmi SH in huge fishing. over 30 tons in one trip

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In Iceland the weather has been relay bad in February.  . but finally when the weather got better the fishing also did well. Autoline boat Gullhólmi SH that is similar boat as Saga K in Norway did relay well in newest trip. They put out 45.000 hooks  and on that they com 30,6 tons uncutt, ore rund ...

Karl-Viktor N-37-V is fishing mush not these days

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It's a pretty good fishing right now at Iceland when these bad weathers god finish. Still in Norway there has been also good fishing. Boats that have been fishing with line and gilnet have been fishing good and also seine boats. One of the boats that is fishing with seine is Karl Viktor N-37-V oak ...

Norsk ships in good capelin fishing in Iceland

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Now in February, the Icelandic pelagic ships that are fishing capelin have have almost nothing been fishing. Meanwhile, the Norwegian ships have been fishing for capelin in Iceland and mostly landing their catch in ports in the eastern part in Iceland.  . Nowadays, the Norwegian shipping has been ...

Kingfisher HM-555 in good fishing

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There are a lot of foreign trawlers  and lineboats coming to Norway to land catches,. Now in February, a lot of Russian trawlers have landed in Trömsö. in Norway has also landed a tugboat made from Hanstholm in Denmark,. This boat is called Kingfish HM-555. This boat is built in 2007 and is 31.25 ...

Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.6

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List number 6. Still more ships on this list.  now almost 160 ships. On this list total fishing was 27.000 tons . and of that was most capelin that norsk ships are fishing in Iceland. The norsk ships have fish 22403 tons of capelin in Iceland. the herring fishing is also good and total is 98000 ...

Norsk lineboats in

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List number 2,. good fishing on this list. Senjaværing 41 tons in 4 trips, but this boat is now fishing with gilnet. Inger Viktoria 28 tons in 1. Norbanken 26 tons in 1. Korsnes 37 tons in 2. Arvikssand 19,4 tons in 3. Inger Viktoria Pic Pal Stian Eriksen.

Norsk 15 meters boat in

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List number 2. The boats on this list are fishing relay good  . Skreigrunn with 129 tons in 9 trips and most 26,5 tons in one trip. Thor-Arild with big fishing 107 tons in only 5 trips and most around 40 tons in one trip. Lomstind 63,5 tons in 7 trips. Aldís Luind 49 tons in 4 trips on line. Olafur ...

New boat to Norway

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Boat builder Trefjar in Hafnarfjörður in Iceland has delivered new boat to Norway. Odd-Cato Larsen has this new boat and he will also be the captein of the boat.   to Ombo close to Stavanger in Norway. The boat has the name Prince R-7-HM and is the type Cleopatre 36. in the boat is a 650 hp engine ...

Norsk Lineboats in

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Listi númer 1. Good fishing on this first list in Norway.  Valdimar H with 153 tons in 2 trips.  most around 79 tons.  . Senjaværing 100 tons in 5 trips. and Mikkelsen and Inger Viktoria have started fishing. Mikkelsen on the pic Bjornson Pic Svein W Pettersen.

Norsk Trawlers

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List number 3. Great fishing in Norway now . Havtind with 455 tons after 10 days fishing. Hermes 573 tons after 11 days fishing. Gadus Njord 757 tons after 13 days. Gadus Poseidon 397 tons after 6 days fishing, that is about 66 tons per day. Holmöy came with full load 1300 tons in one trip. Doggi F ...

46 Norsk pelagic fishing in Iceland now

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Now in Iceland there are many pelagic ships from Norway what are fishing capelin. Aflafrettir counted that now there where 46  pelagic ships from Norway in ICeland. Total of sailors on these ships is about 500 men. All of the ships have landed some capelin in Iceland.  . but the biggest landing was ...

Pelagic ship in the Faroe

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List number 5. Finnur Fríði with 2600 tons of blue whiting in one trip. Fagraberg 2150 tons of blue whiting in one trip. Högaberg is the first ship in the Faroe Islands to come with capelin. Fagraberg Pic Hlynur Ágústsson.

Norsk pelagic Ships .nr.6

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List number 6. Now many pelagic ships from Norway are fishing capelin in Iceland.  . Vendla has fish total 864 tons in 2 trips. and Kings Bay 1141 tons in one trip. Österbris came with 2250 tons of blue whiting to ICeland in one trip. Gardar 1800 tons of blue whiting to Norway in one trip. Now the ...

Norsk 15 m. boats in

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List number 1. Good start  Stamsundværing doing well 56 tons in 4 trips. Margareth start well 23 tons in one trip. Stamsundværing with 20 tons.  pic from stein viggo solhaug.

Norsk 15 meters boats in

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List number 5. Good month for the boats. Skreigrunn with 70 tons in 4 trips and with that went up to 236 tons,. Stamstundværing 54 tons in 4 trips and went to 196 tonns,. Ingvaldson 31 tons in 2. Aldis Lind 26 tons in 2. Olafur that is only 15 tons boat did well and went to 118 tons. Akom 16 tons in ...

Norsk lineboats in

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List number 5. Good fishing on this final list in january.  . Valdimar H with over 300 tons in january and Norbanken came with 38 tons in one trip.  . Hellsker on gilnet with 50 tons in 5 trips. Arvikssand 40.5 tons in 2 trips. Senjaværing did realy well in this final list and was with 81,6 tons in ...