Pelagic boats in Norway- over 60 Meters. 2023.Final list

Pelagis ships that are over 60 metres long. in norway for the year 2023. this is the final list. in total the ships on this list where over 70 in total. and they did caught 923.000 tons. of herring, mackerel, capelin, öyapal, blue whiting , tobis, and more. 7 ships in Norway did caught over 20.000 ...
Pelagic boats in Norway- 30 to 59,99 Meter. Final list year 2023

List number 10 . final list for the year 2023. good year for these boats that are on this list. in total these boats did caught 239 thousands tons year 2023. and four boats did caught over 7000 tons. but it was Piraja VA-95-K that was number one. with 9179 tons in 42 trips, and that is 218 tons in a ...
Pelagic boats in Norway 14 to 29,99 Meter. Final list year 2023

Listi number 12. Final list for the year 2023. Here we have pelagic boats in Norway that are from 14 meters long to 29,99 meters long. and here they where fishing herring and mackerel. five boats did caught over 2000 tons . and Storegg M-345-A was number 1, with 2831 tons in 18 trips, and that is ...
Pelagic ships.,Iceland, and The Faroe Islands- 2023 Final list
Shrimp (In Ice) in Norway year 2023.Final List
Kongekrabbe (King crab) in Norway 2023.Final list

List number 3. Final list for they year 2023. Here are boats in Norway that where fishing Kongekrab ( ore King crab). In total the boats in Norway did caught almost 1100 tons on this crab. and only one boat did caught over 100 tons. that was Nordlys F-59-H. This boat was with 172,2 tons in 42 trips ...
Taskekrabs (Brown crab) in Norway 2023.Final List
Boats from 27 to 38,99 meters in Norway. 2023.Final list

List number 11. Final list for they year 2023. Many boats on this list where also fishing capelin, herring, and mackerel, but that is not in this list. most of the boats that are on this list where fishing with seine. and three boats did caught over 5000 tons. On this list Breivik Junior was with ...
Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in Norway.2023. Final list

List number 11. Final list for the year 2023. On this list many boats where fishing with seine, and also many of them where also fishing. mackerel and herring, but on this list herring and mackerel is not included. on this list last list Stormhav was with 68 tons in 1 trip. Jens Kristian 276 tons ...
Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in Norway.2023.Final List

List number 11. Final list for the year 2023. Some of the boats that are one this list where also fishing herring and mackerel, but that is not . included on this list. On this last list storvig was with 163 tons in 9 trips on gilnet and with that was the highest one on this list for they year 2023. ...
Boats from 20 to 21.99 m in Norway.2023. Final list
Boats from 15 to 19.99 m in Norway 2023. Final List

List number 11. Final list for the year 2023. Here on this list where many boats that where fishing with seine. but on this list last list of the year. Havbara was with 135 tons in 20 trips. Ballstadöy 83 tons in 4. Gullholmen 44 tons in 4. But Havbara N-74-Ö was the only boat that did caught over ...
Boats from 14 to 14,99 m in Norway 2023. Final List

List number 11. Final list for the year 2023. Good year for these boats that are on this list, and many boats on this list where. fishing with autoline. six boats did caught over 1000 tons. but Hauge Junior was with 2093 tons in 76 trips and that is 27,5 tons in a trips. all fish in a gilnet. on ...
Boats from 12 to 13,99 m in Norway 2023.Final List

List number 12. Final list for the year 2023. Good year for the boats on this list for the year 2023. on this list Mjasund was with 193,8 tons in 22 trips. Hendanes 122 tons in 24 trips. Storholm 21 tons in 4. Trolltind 57 tons in 17. And in total four boats did caught over 400 tons. but Mjasund was ...
Boats from 11 to 12 m in Norway.2023.Final List

List number 11. Final list for the year 2023. 7 boats did caught over 100 tons this year 2023. on this list Sjogutt was with 12,8 tons in 10 trips. and with that was the highest on this list with 170 tons in 92 trips all on gilnet. that is 1,8 tons in a trips. Solrun B was a new boat that started ...
Boats from 10 to 10.99 m in Norway.2023,Final List

List number 10. Final list for the year 2023. This year 2023 was pretty good for these boats on this list. 150 boats did caught over 100 tons, and on the top. four boats did caught over 400 tons. but Ludvik N-85-A did caught the most, 796,4 tons in 142 trips. and that is 5,6 tons in a trips. all ...
Boats from 9 to 9,99 meters in Norway 2023. Final List
Boats from 8 to 8,99 meters in Norway 2023.Final List
Boats from 7 to 7,99 meters in Norway 2023. Final List

List number 1. Final list for the year 2023. Here on this list where almost 350 boats and there where 5 boats that did caught over . 100 tons, but they where also fishing mackerel. but. mackerel, and herring is not on this list. 8 boats did caught over 50 tons. but where was one boat that was the ...
Boats up to 6,99 meters in Norway.2023..Final list

List number 1. Final list for the year 2023. Here is a list of the smallest boats in Norway for the year 2023. They where many boats on this list around 300 boats on this list. and most of the boas where fishing crabs and on handlines, but the biggest boats. on this list where 6,99 meters long. but. ...
Boats from 10 to 10.99 m in Norway.2023,nr.11

List number 11. from 1-1-2023 to 12-28-2023. Four boats have now caught over 400 tons and Ludvik was with 160 tons in 25 trips and has now caught . 796 tons in this year 2023. Live Elise 29,5 tons in 6 trips. Norliner 42 tons in 7 trips. Bergsund 101 tons in 11 trips. Dosvær 98 tons in 12 trips. ...
Boats from 9 to 9,99 meters in Norway 2023. list number 11
Boats from 7 to 7,99 meters in Norway 2023,nr.11

List number 11. from 1-1-2023 to 12-22-2023. on this list is only one boat that have caught over 100 tons,. but there some others boats that have caught over 100 tons, but they did also fish mackerel. and that is not included in this list. on this list Solveig was with 845 kilos in one trip. Ada ...
Boats up to 6,99 meters in Norway.2023.List number 11

List number 11. from 1-1-2023 to 12-22-2023. this is the smallest boats in Norway and five boats have caught over 40 tons,. but Örna N-3-FE was with 7,1 tons in 10 trips and has now caught close to 90 tons this year 2023. Fjordfangst 2,1 tons in 20 trips. and Annely 1,9 tons in 22 trips and annely ...
Geir M-123-A caught over 4000 tons

This year in Norway have well over 200 boats been fishing with line. the biggest boats are all fishing with autoline, and of them six boats have caught over 3000 tons. and this is just what they have caught using autoline. some boats have also been fishing with . gilnet and seine. Geir M-123-A is ...
Trawlers in Norway.Year 2023. List number 8

List number 8. from 1-1-2023 to 12-21-2023. here is a list of the trawlers in Norway and they have now caught 300.000 tons this year 2023. and 10 trawlers have caught over ten thousands tons, and four of the have caught. over 11.000 tons. on this list Atlantic Star was with 906 tons in 1 trip and ...
Shrimp (In Ice) in Norway year 2023.List number 5
New Svanaug Elise TR-119-F

Yesterday here on, was a news about Svanaug Elise that had been sold. You can read that . news HERE. But the owner of Svanaug Elise are not quit, because they bought Ligrunn H-2-F. and now Ligrunn has the name Svanaug Elise. The new Svanaug Elise is similar size as the old boat, but ...
Svanaug Elise TR-19-F sold to Chile

In Norway are many pelagic ship that are over 60 meters long. One of these ships is pelagic ship Svanaug Elise TR-19-F. This ship was build in 2001 and has been in Norway since then. now Svanaug Elise has been sold to Chile and the new owner have taken over the boat. and did sail to Holland with the ...
Olavjenta new boat to Norway

New Cleopatra 36 to Båtsfjord in Norway. . The shipping company 2Fisk AS in Båtsfjord, Norway recently received a new Cleopatra 36 boat from Bátasmiðin Trefjum in Hafnarfjörður. The company is run by father and son Tor Øyvind and Øyvind Bolle. Tor Øyvind will be the captain of the boat. . The new ...
Pelagic ships.,Iceland, and The Faroe Islands- 2023.List nr.14

List number 14. from 1-1-2023 to 12-14-2023. Not the final list yet, many of the vessels on this list have stopped fishing this year, just a question. whether the ships from the Faroe Islands bring catch. the total catch now has reached almost 1.7 million tons. and the ships from the Faroe Islands ...
Pelagic boats in Norway- over 60 Meters. 2023.List number 9

List number 9. from 1-1-2023 to 12-13-2023. Here is a list of the biggest pelagic ships in Norway. . and in total they have caught almost 922.000 tons. and 7 ships have caught over 20.000 tons yeach. on this list Kvannöy was with 1481 tons in 2 of herring. Sunny lady 2294 tons in 4 trips. Steinevik ...
Pelagic boats in Norway- 30 to 59,99 Meter. List number 9.2023

List number 9. from 1-1-2023 to 12-9-2023. Four boats have caught over 7000 tons. and Piraja was with 776 tons in 4 trips of herring and with that have caught almost 9200 tons. röttingöy 2279 tons in 4 trips. Fonnes 313 tons in 1. Brattskjær 1044 tons in 5. Knut Olav 1908 tons in 5 trips and jumps ...
Pelagic boats in Norway 14 to 29,99 Meter. List number 9.2023

List number 9. from 1-1-2023 to 12-9-2023. Many boats that are on this list are fishing herring, and five boats have caught over 2000 tons,. SToregg was with 313 tons in 3 trips. Spjæringet 584 tons in 8. Arnöyfjord 761 tons in 5 trips. Skomværhav 760 tons in 8 trips. Flokker 869 tons in 6 trips. ...
Kongekrabbe (King crab) in Norway 2023.List number 2

List number 2. from 1-1-2023 to 12-7-2023. Only five boats have caught over 20 tons on this list of King crab fishing in Norway. . Nordlys was with 1,3 tons in 1 and with that have caught over 170 tons. Tora B 3,3 tons in 13 trips and with that have caught over 20 tons. Fritjof 2,7 tons in 8 trips ...
Taskekrabs (Brown crab) in Norway 2023.List number 6

List number 6. from 1-1-2023 to 12-5-2023. Now have five boats in Norway caught over 100 tons of Taskekrab, ( Brown crab) . Husöygutt was with 12,1 tons in 5 trips. Solmai 18,8 tons in 12 trips. Solan 6,4 tons in 9 trips. Sam 7,5 tons in 7 trips. Borgenfjord 24,2 tons in 25 trips and jumps up 31 ...
Boats from 27 to 38,99 meters in Norway. 2023.list number 10

List number 10. from 1-1-2023 to 12-3-2023. Now have three boats on this list caught over 5000 tons,. but many boats on this list are also fishing pelagic fish, like herring, mackerel and more. that is not on this list. Rowenta was with 759 tons in 13 trips and with that is now number 1. Haltentral ...
Boats from 25 to 27.99 m in Norway.2023. list number 9

List number 9. from 1-1-2023 to 12-2-2023. Now on this list 2 boats have caught over 1800 tons, and between them is only around 9 tons. but many boats on this list are also fishing herring, mackerel and more pelagic fish, but that is not on this list. Fanöyvag with 122 tons in 1 trip on gilnet and ...
Boats from 22 to 24.99 m in Norway.2023.List number 9

List number 9. from 1-1-2023 to 12-2-2023. not so many boats that where fishing on this list, but some of them where fishing herring. but the herring is not on this list. STorvig was with 84 tons in 7 trips and is now number 1. Hellskjær 18 tons in 1 . Skottind 37 tons in 4 trips. Udvaar III 45 tons ...